chapter 15

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chapter fifteen
in a heartbeat

november 16 2017

"have fun on your boys trip." i smiled, hugging my dad while he was at the door. "are you sure you'll be okay for three days?" he asked "dad, you left on a business trip for a week before remember? i was okay then, i'm sure i'll be okay for three days." i reminded him.

"right, what are you and hansol doing? one month today right?" he asked putting on his shoes. "wow you actually listen when i talk about him?" i asked "well yeah, i've never seen you so happy. plus, you never shut up about him." he teased, hitting my shoulder playfully. "wow thanks." i said nonchalantly.

"no problem. have fun with the halfer." he laughed, while opening the door. "i will, have fun at your retirement trip." i fired back as we walked out the door. "oooo burn." he laughed while getting in his car. i waved to him as he drove away.

i walk back in my house and connect my phone to my bluetooth speaker, blasting the 1975 as i dance around in my long white socks, booty shorts and a long oversized mustard yellow tee that looks like a dress and makes it look like i don't have pants on.

my hair was natural today, short and curly, a messy bun sat on the top of my head as my glasses sat on the bridge of my nose. i look in the mirror and see my freckles are starting to fade, and that my lips are getting a bit more plump because of chapstick season. finally.

i examine my eyes and groan. why do i have brown eyes? and why do they look ugly on my but pretty on literally everyone else? i hate my eyes with a passion, if i could change them permanently, i would.

the music stops and my phone starts to vibrate. i run over and see jeonghan is calling. i smile to myself, knowing that the conversation with my best male friend is going to be quite interesting as it always is.

"hello?" i answer and put him on speaker so i can hear him through the bluetooth speaker. "hey, happy anniversary!" he exclaimed making me smile. "thanks jojo." i thank him.

"don't call me that." he whined making me laugh. "okay, okay, i'm sorry. what's up?" i ask. "i'm hanging with seungcheol and jihoon but that's not important." he said "remember that day you and hansol cancelled on us, and i said i have to tell you something?" he asked and i nodded to myself. "yeah? why did it pop in your head now?"

"it's always been on my mind but i just told jihoon and seungcheol and they told me to tell you now, before it's too late." he said, making my heart beat increase. "you're not about to confess your love to me are you?" i panicked "what?! ew god no! no offence but ew!" he freaked out and my heart beat went back to normal. i heard jihoon and seungcheol laugh in the background at jeonghans reaction.

"none taken." i laughed "okay but anyways, its about hansol." he said, suddenly my heart beat increased by a thousand. "what about hansol?" i questioned. "you see one day we were hanging out, and joshua-" jeonghan got cut off by the sound of my door bell.

"jeonghan i'll call you later okay?" i asked him "but-" i hung up before he could say anything else. it must be madelaine at the door and i don't want to be anything but happy around her. i open the door and see hansol with a big smile on his face.

"a rose, for my rose." he said, handing me a rose "and chinese food and a laptop so we can watch endless episodes of drag race." he smiled, holding up the bag of chinese. "dude, you told me we were going to watch 'clannad'." i said, moving aside so he can come in.

"oh so you wanted to cry today?" he questioned with a giggle. "hell yeah." i said while closing the door. he takes off his shoes and i lead him upstairs to my room. i put the rose down on my bedside table and put some blankets on the floor along with pillows.

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