chapter 15

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chapter fifteen

-third pov

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." the 24 year old man named hansol chwe panicked in the waiting room of the hospital. "calm down will you? she'll be fine, she'll get through this." jihoon tried to calm hansol down as he paced back in fourth. "she's gone through so much already, she's tough." joshua reminded his scared best friend.

"shouldn't you be in there with her?" jeonghan asked as he held his wife, katie close to him. "fuck you're right! shit shit shit." hansol ran to the emergency room and ran through the door where the love of his life was laying down and screaming in pain as nurses rushed around to help her.

"it's about time you came here stupid! i feel like i'm dying! hurry up and help me!" she groaned out. hansol ran over to roslyn and held her hand as she was sweating in her hospital bed. "it's okay baby, breathe." hansol comforted her as she squeezed his hand tightly. "breath in and out, in and out." the nurse told roslyn calmly, making her less nervous and scared as before.

"and push." the nurse told her. roslyn started pushing as she squeezed hansols hand. "i see a head." one of the nurses informed us, making hansol smile. "you're doing great babe, keep going." hansol encouraged roslyn, as he held her hand. he looked down at their joined hands as she she groaned out in pain. he admired her soft hands in his, he admired how much she still needed him, he admired the diamond ring on her finger as he admired the ring on his finger.

"the girl is first." the nurse smiled, taking her out, and handing her to another nurse. "one more babe, just one, you can do it." he smiled while rubbing the back of her hand.

this is it. this is all that hansol has ever dreamed of. he's dreamt this moment all his life. holding his wife's hand, telling her it will be alright, seeing his kid right when it came out.

"you're almost there, keep pushing." the nurse told roslyn, making her push more. she kept pushing, the pain being unbearable for her, but she didn't care. she just wanted to see her baby's, the loves of her life. "and, here's the boy." the nurse smiled as their baby boy came out. "you did great roslyn." the nurse praised as she went to wash their baby boy.

"you did it baby. you did it." hansol smiled as he moved roslyn's hair out of her face. "we did it." roslyn corrected him with a smile. hansol leaned over and kissed her forehead. "actually you're right. i did do it. you didn't do shit."

hansol chuckled as he pulled away. "you're right, you're right... as always." he smiled, continuing to hold her hand. "okay so, who wants to hold the boy-" the nurse came back, holding their baby boy in a blanket. "me! me! me!" hansol smiled, basically jumping out of his seat. the nurse chuckled and handed hansol his son and handed roslyn her daughter.

"my baby." she smiled, letting go of her husbands hand to touch her daughters little hands. hansol smiled as he looked down at his son, talking in a baby's voice as his son opens his eyes. "you look like me!" she practically squealed as he held him close. "what are their names?" the nurse asked.

roslyn looked down at her daughter and smiled. "reyna hana chwe." hansol looked down at his son "hudson moon chwe." he answered with a smile on his face. "okay, visitors are allowed to come in whenever you please, just make sure they wash their hands and they have a mask on if they're sick." the nurse said, walking to a doctor.

"i'll go get them." hansol smiled, handing roslyn her son, kissing her lips in the process. "i love you." he smiled, making her giggle. "i love you too stupid, now go get my friends." she ordered, sending him off.

he walked out of the room to the waiting room to see all of his friends. he walked through the doors, looking down at his feet, his hands intertwined. "so?" jeonghan got up impatiently for hansols answer.

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