chapter 14

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chapter fourteen

november 14 2017

"you want me to walk with you?." hansol asks while sitting on my bed. "i don't care, completely up to you." i smiled. my dad works days for half of this week so when he leaves around 5 that's when hansol comes. he walks through the basement door, walks upstairs and comes in my bed to cuddle and hug me that way when both of us wake up the first thing we'll see is each other.

"why do you want to get up so early anyways?" i ask him while getting my uniform pants out. "because i want to see you? is that too much to ask?" he asked. i took off my pyjama shorts, and start to put on my pants. i start to put them on but they stop at the bottom of my butt.

hansol starts to laugh with a slight blush on his cheeks. "hansol help me." i whined. he shook his head and stood up. he walked over to me and stood behind me, smacking my butt in the process. "babe." i whined making him laugh. he grabs hold of the belt loops and helps me pull them up.

i button my pants once he pulls them up and i smile while looking in the mirror. hansol smacked my ass again but gripped it after. "really?" i chuckled, looking at him in the mirror. "mine." he smirked against my neck, starting to kiss it. he kisses my neck, turning me on, making a little moan escape my mouth.

"hansol, stop." i stop him. "it's too soon, like, way to soon." i tell him but he keeps kissing me. "hansol seriously." i tell him, pushing him off of me. i glare at him and he looks at me confused. "i told you to stop." i told him and pick up my bag. "i'm going." i announced, opening my bedroom door and walking downstairs.

"roslyn, im sorry." he apologized while following me downstairs. "rose." he said again and stopping me. "i'm sorry, i'm stupid." he told me while i was putting on my shoes. "no shit." i spat and opened the door to walk to school. i quickly walk to school before he could follow me.

i walk into school and people immediately stare at me, laughing. what the hell is going on? i shake it off and walk to my locker. i turn the corner and see people gathered around my locker. i push through everyone and finally see what everyone was glaring at.

there were pictures of my slit wrists, on my locker. pictures from grade 9, when i slipped into depression when my mom died. in grade 9 i dated sunohara... he was the only one who knew. whenever we would hang he would always have his phone out, the phone always pointed at my arms. i thought he was playing games on his phone. i guess i was mistaken.

i turn around and see sunohara looking petrified. "roslyn i didn't- i wouldn't." i was about to slap him when i heard laughing. i look over and see tomoya, ivy and tana put up more photo copies of my arm. "how did they get them?" i asked "i sent it to them while we were together and asked them for advice i swear, it wasn't supposed to be a negative thing. i'm sorry this happened."

"i'll forgive you but i need proof... but for now," i trail off and crack my knuckles, walking over to the three assholes but madelaine walks in my way. "roslyn don't make a scene, we'll bring it to the principal-"

"leave." i tell her. "but rose-" she started but i cut her off. "i mean it neota, hit the books and stay out of my way." i pushed past her and come face to face with ivy, tana and tomoya. "ah, roslyn. how nice of you to-"

i cut ivy off by punching her in the face. i kick tomoya in the balls right away. i tackle tana to the floor and pin her down. "this was your idea wasn't it you fucking whore?" i spat. "now tell me roslyn, why do you wear long sleeves all year?" she asked but i didn't answer. she looked up a bit and smirked.

i looked behind me and saw hansol, looking shocked... he followed me. "tell us roslyn. does your boyfriend know that you slit your wrists for attention? you have the perfect little life you spoiled brat." she spat "you know nothing about her life." hansol growled. "i know that she's a spoiled little bitch. mommy and daddy spoil you everyday, right?"

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