chapter 17

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chapter seventeen
played like a violin

november 17 2017

madelaine and i walk into support group fairly early and see that everyone but john is already here. we hang our coats and purses up and she immediately goes up to wonwoo.

i look for jihoon and immediately spot him. i was walking up to him when i felt someone grab my waist. "hey beautiful." hansol smiled, kissing my forehead. "hi." i smile slightly. "you okay?" he asked "uh i'm fine, you okay? you seem a little shooken up." i tell him and he tenses. "i'm fine."

"hansol, back away." jihoon growled with jeonghan by his side. hansol takes his hands off my waist. "other side of the room." jeonghan instructed, giving him a death glare. "now." seungcheol joined in, threatening hansol. hansol nodded and walked to the corner of the room where seungkwan was standing.

"what's your guys' problem?" i asked "we're doing this to help." seungcheol said before walking over to mingyu. i look over at jihoon and he shook his head, walking towards minghao and jun. jeonghan was about to walk away but i grabbed his hand. "jeonghan wait, i'm sorry i didn't call last night." i apologize.

"did he tell you?" i asked and he shook his head no. "what's wrong?" i asked another question but he ignored me. "okay well what did you want to tell me?" i asked him and he shook his head "it's too late, the damage has already been done, you'll see soon. hell, maybe sooner than you think." he spat, taking me a back.

"roslyn i'm so so sorry, i didn't think he would take me seriously-" joshua panicked with worry in his eyes. "joshua slow down, what are you talking about?" i ask "what do you mean? i thought jeonghan would've told you." he says and i look at him confused.

"joshua, shut the hell up." hansol threatened, looking just as terrified as joshua. "hansol, let him fucking speak." jeonghan told hansol to shut up. "okay what the hell is going on?! can someone explain please?" i screamed over the arguing. i got everyone's attention and the room became a ghost town.

"he played you." joshua spoke up. "huh?" i asked more confused than before. "hansol... he played you." jeonghan exclaimed, pain clearly in his voice. "a couple days before you and hansol got together, we were hanging out. joshua, mingyu, hansol, seokmin, jun, soonyoung and i. we were talking about sex, relationships, crushes, and both joshua and hansol said they liked you." jeonghan explained. "okay, and?" i asked

"we went on to virginity. everyone lost their virginity accept hansol. of course, boys will be boys and we teased him a little. he said he will loose his virginity one day and it'll be to a beautiful young girl. joshua spoke up and said do it then, find a young girl, and fuck her, someone like you. he said if hansol didn't fuck you in 50 days, then he would lose and he would ask you out instead, knowing you'd say yes because even though we could all tell you liked hansol, there were some feelings for joshua." he admitted. "no way in hell thats true."

"did he mention i asked for proof?" joshua asked. i turned back around to face him. "some girls bleed on their first time, and it's all the guys doing. i asked him for proof, and he got it. why do you think he was so quick to volunteer to wash your sheets?" he asked and realization struck. he never liked me, it was a stupid bet.

"roslyn, i'm so, so, sorry. i said it as a joke, to scare him. he was the new kid. i would've never went through my plan even if he didn't have sex with you 'on time', i knew how much you liked him and how you were so happy with him." joshua apologized "its fine, joshua."

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