chapter 6

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chapter six
regretful words

january 27 2017

"baby!" jeonghan smiled and started kissing my face all over, making sure hansol and amelia where watching. i laugh as he's kissing my face. "miss me?" i laugh, kissing his lips. "of course." he smiled after pulling away.

all the sudden the room goes silent. we see a tall korean boy walk in and look around the room. "support group?" he asked "yeah. welcome!" i smiled and walked up to him, joshua, jeonghan, madelaine, wonwoo and jihoon following. "i'm roslyn." i smiled "im jaeun." he said, looking at the six people in front of him.

"this is jeonghan, wonwoo and madelaine, joshua and jihoon." i introduce them all and they give jaeun a polite smile. "okay so who's single around here?" jaeun asked "oh well amelia, madelaine and i are taken."

"i wasn't talking about you, i was talking about the boys. what do i look like to you?" he asked making us all chuckle. "well everyone is pretty much single, except for hansol, jeonghan and wonwoo." madelaine explained as she pulled wonwoo close to her.

"alright everyone sit please." john announced. everyone took their seats and i motioned for jaeun to sit between madelaine and i. "we have someone new, what's your name?" john asked "jaeun." he answered simply. "well what's your story?"

"i'm gay, obviously, if you couldn't tell. my parents being the traditional and old school koreans they are, they hated me. they kicked me out, told me to fend for myself. it hurts when your parents don't accept you for you. i've been depressed for about 3 years but i've slowly been getting better." he explained to john.

"what shade of blue are you feeling today?" john asked "sky blue." jaeun smiled and sat back down. "okay so i noticed a couple of you have become distant." while john was explaining bull shit about distance, i look and see that seokmin was staring at jaeun, his eyes full of lust. jaeun looks over at seokmin and they both blush after making eye contact.

is seokmin gay?

"hansol why don't you share your feelings about roslyn to her. what's been on your mind recently?" john asked hansol. hansol cleared his throat awkwardly "well um, roslyn i don't appreciate the dirty looks you've been giving me and and the shit talking you've been doing." he shared.

"good, good." john praised "roslyn? your response?" john asked me and i took a deep breath in. "well, hansol. i wouldn't be giving you those looks if you didn't give me a reason to. i loved you and you didn't care." i said, my voice cracking in the process.

"you're joking right? i didn't care? of course i cared! are you stupid?" why is he getting so angry? "no are you stupid? clearly you are if you think i would've forgiven you so easily after what you did." i spat. "at least i didn't kiss someone else you slut."


the room went silent and i slowly stood up "slut huh?" i ask "yeah, you heard me." he spat, standing up as well. my eyes filled up with tears "what are you gunna do? slit your wrists? cry to your mom? oh wait! you can't." he spat, his words stinging like venom.

"i'm such a slut right? well, that's what i get for dating a halfer." i spat, knowing that was his biggest insecurity. "take it back." he growled "how's sofia doing by the way?" i asked, going way too far than i should've. "shut up, you attention whore." he threatened.

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