chapter 5

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chapter five
stand up

january 27 2018

"have a good day at school." my dad smiled while walking out the door. "thanks, have fun at work." i fire back. "thanks." he groaned, getting in his car. i waved goodbye as he drove off and went inside to eat my breakfast burrito.

as i picked up my burrito to take the first bite, my phone rang. "good morning jihoon." i sang while taking my first bite "you're awfully cheerful." he giggled "oh, i hear you chewing. what are you eating now?"

"you act like i eat every hour of the day." i say, kind of offended "cause you do!" he laughed "oh yeah i do." i say, looking up at my ceiling and taking another bite. "what you up to today? wanna hang out?" he asked me "jihoon you know i'm in school right? i have classes to attend?" i remind him. "oh right. i forgot."

i finish my burrito and put the plate in the sink. "so apparently amelia has been different since you guys talked the other day. what happened? what did you guys talk about?" jihoon asked "about anything and everything. but she brought up hansol right away." i say, putting on my shoes and grabbing my house key.

"what the hell why? did she know it would make you uncomfortable?" he asked "jihoon i don't think she meant anything by it, she just wanted to know about our history because hansol hasn't told her shit accept for that we dated, got in a fight, i kissed jeonghan and we broke up." i explain while locking my door and walking to school.

"did she tell you their history at least?" he asked "yep, guess what? remember the girl he told us about the night of the closet dare?" i asked "uh yeah? what about her?" he asked in confusion "amelia is her, amelia is the high school sweetheart, his first love." i tell him "no fucking way." he gawked

"okay first off, watch your mouth. second yes way, that's why he got a girl so quick after we broke up, they still love each other." i tell him "well, i think only one of them still loves another." jihoon said "what the hell do you mean?" i ask "i was hanging out with seungkwan and got some dirt. the other day they were trying to get their freak on when hansol almost moaned out your name and pushed her away and left, out of all their time being together they never done anything. you were his first time, he wanted it to be you."

"how do you know this?" i ask "he told seungkwan who told me who's telling you, just call me detective woozi." he said and i rolled my eyes. "i'll call you later detective gadget, i'm approaching hell now." i say, hanging up before he could yell at me for calling him detective gadget.

why didn't he do anything with amelia? besides she's way hotter than i am so why wouldn't he go for it.

my phone started vibrating and i see jihoons contact pop up. "what idiot? i have school." i scold. "first off, i'm not the idiot in the group. second, you're always late anyways and third, your ass called me detective gadget, you're not getting away with it that easily." i sigh as i walk up to the main doors of school.

"fine, you win. what else is there?" i asked as i walked in. "amelia is getting suspicious. she cares about you and trusts you but it's hansol she's starting not to trust. i mean the girl was kissing his neck and he moaned out his ex girlfriends name, how do you think she felt?" jihoon asked. i approached my locker and did the combo so i can get all my books for english. "pretty shit." i sigh, feeling bad for amelia.

"he still loves you. no matter how much he hides it and convinces people that he loves her, he loves you." the thought of hansol possibly still loving me made my heart skip a beat. i close my locker and right when i lock it i get slammed against the locker, my phone falling out of my hands.

ivy picks up my phone as tomoya laughed. "what boy are you talking to now slut?" tomoya smirked "oh 'my lemon prince' huh? who's that?" she asked. "sorry, the slut can't talk right now, bye." she smiled and hung up, throwing my phone back on the ground, cracking the screen.

"good job you god damn ape, you cracked my screen." i groaned, picking it up and stood up, examining my screen. little glass shards could go on to my finger just by touching the screen. i hold out my hand after putting my phone back in my pocket. "what are you doing?" tana asked "pay up, all of you, cause i'm not paying for this shit."

"we're not paying for your phone, it's your fault for getting a shitty phone anyways." tomoya spat, pushing me in the process. the bell rang and i tried to go to class but they kept stopping me. in the matter of seconds, the halls were empty.

"why are you still here, standing up to us? why aren't you dead yet?" tomoya pushed, pinning me against a locker by my neck. "i know right? everyone has given up on you." ivy laughed with tana. "you're such a dumb whore where do you meet all these guys anyways?" tana asked.

"leave her alone." i heard sunohara say from behind him. "can you guys just leave her the fuck alone already? she didn't do anything to you." she shoved ivy and tana, pushing them to the floor. he shoved tomoya away from me and grabbed my hand. "let's go yeah?" he asked and i nodded.


"thanks for lunch." i thanked sunohara again, sipping my lemonade. "and paying for my phone, you really didn't have to." i smiled "no, don't thank me, it's the least i could do. it's my fault for the hell they've been putting you in since they posted your pictures everywhere." he shared, finishing his burger. "how you holding up?"

"you want the real answer or sugar coated answer?" i asked "both." he said, stealing one of my fries. "rude. sugar coated answer; i'm fine, just really tired. real answer; fucking shitty." i admitted, eating a fry.

"you and hansol still broken up?" he asked, making me nod. "yeah. i miss him everyday. it sucks, it really fucking sucks not having him." i frown, playing with my food. "i know how you feel. when we broke up, i felt the same way. i regretted choosing ass holes over you. no matter how tough you are and how many fights you get into, it's because you have a good heart and people think they can walk all over you when in reality you can kick their ass." he admitted.

"i don't blame you for breaking up with me, and i don't blame you for breaking up with him. when we broke up i still loved you with all my heart, and i felt that way till the end of last year. three years and i couldn't stop loving you. i'd date other girls and be like 'hey this is fun but shes not her, she's not rose' and maybe that's how hansol is feeling right now." he said, giving me hope.

"you think?" i ask "i know. guys have hearts too you know. you'll find out soon enough, he'll either be open or hide away from you." he shared, pulling out his wallet. "and remember, if he's an asshole, he's trying to get over you." he says "how do you know?"

"cause i've been mean to you for three years of my life? duh." he said making me chuckle. "you got a point." the waitress comes over and brings the bill for sunohara to pay. "what time is it?" i asked. "time for you to go to support group and see your prince charming."

"oh yay."


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sorry for not updating and being super inactive. so much has been happening in my life and for the past 5 days i've been crying non stop but i have to move forward.
side note, yesterday was october 5 2017... when hansol and roslyn met. it's kinda like we can live out and imagine the story now you know to make us feel more sad and depressed (:
also, thanks for 500 read! you guys are the best, love you all💓💓
-K xxx

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