chapter 12

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chapter twelve
double date

october 16 2017

"you ready?" madelaine asked while the city bus slowed down approaching the bus stop in front of the mini golf place. "yeah, i guess." i breathe out. for some reason i'm just as nervous for this date then the first one.

the bus comes to a complete stop and madelaine and i get up, thank the woman in korean and get off. the door closes behind us and we look to the entrance and see wonwoo and hansol waiting outside for us.

we walk up to them and wonwoo smiled instantly after he saw his beautiful girlfriend. "hi babe." he smiled, kissing her lips softly. "you look ravishing." he complimented after pulling away. madelaine was wearing a white v neck shirt that crossed over with a leather jacket over it, leggings and white converse on her feet.

"thank you." she smiled and complimented him back. i look at hansol shlyly. "hey." i smiled and he smiled back. "hi, you look beautiful." he complimented. i was wearing a beige oversized turtle neck and black leggings with white converse on my feet.

"thank you." i smiled. he kissed my cheek as a hello gesture making me posmile. "you look cute as always." i complimented "you think? i just threw this outfit together." he told me, making wonwoo laugh. "you were literally freaking out for two hours about not having anything to wear-"

hansol kicks wonwoo to shut him up, making madelaine wheeze. she calms down and looks over at hansol and i. "okay let's go." she said and grabbed wonwoos hand, leading him inside. the place was dead so we could pay right away. we wait behind wonwoo and madelaine as wonwoo pays for the both of them.

i take out my wallet from my purse but hansol stops me. "uh what are you doing?" hansol asked "paying for us?" i said in a confused tone. "no, im paying for you." he told me, making me glare at him. "you paid for me the other day, i'm paying for you today." i argue. "no, i want to pay." he insisted but i didn't listen. "look harry styles!" hansol said in awe, pointing to the entrance to mini golf.

"hi, two for one ground please." hansol smiled getting out his credit card and putting it in the machine, while the guy behind the counter went and got some glow in the dark golf balls. "hansol noooo." i whined with a pout. "too bad." he smiled cheekily at me. the boy came back and handed hansol a pink and yellow golf ball.

he hands me the pink one but i reach for the yellow one. "mine." i said. i turn away from him and flip my hair while strutting over to madelaine and wonwoo, making hansol laugh. once i go over, madelaine hands me a golf club as hansol walks over and gets handed a club by wonwoo.

"alright, let's do it." wonwoo smiled and we walked into the glow in the dark mini golf place. "okay so wonwoo, me, hansol and roslyn." madelaine told us while wonwoo put his ball on the fake grass. he hits the ball and doesn't make it in, same with madelaine.

hansol goes up and puts the ball down. he crouches down a bit and looks back at me. "watch this." he smiled and hits the ball with power, making it hit one of the little walls and coming back to him, making me chuckle. "let me try again." he said, hitting the ball lighter but once again, it hit off the wall and came back to him.

we all start to laugh and he starts to get frustrated. he did it again and the ball came back to him for the third time. we all laugh so hard that we can't even breathe. he hits the ball again and it finally went else where. "your turn." madelaine laughed.

i put my ball down and i realized i didn't really know how to play and that i suck at mini golf. "i suck at this game." i announced while throwing my head back in frustration. "here." hansol smiled. "you look like a lefty." he said, standing behind me, wrapping his arms around me and put his hands on top of mine and corrected them so i can hold the club correctly.

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