chapter 1

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chapter one
missing him

january 16 2018

amelia and hansol have been dating for about a month and a half and mine and jeonghan's fake relationship is still going strong.

we've succeeded to make hansol jealous a couple of times, well, at least we think. every weekend jeonghan takes me out to go 'man hunting' so i can find guys on the street to get my mind off of hansol and move on. i've gotten a couple of guys numbers and truly tried to move on but i just can't get hansol vernon chwe out of my mind.

"and that was the end of session forty six. see you guys wednesday." john smiled. "forty six huh?" jeonghan asked, putting his arm around me. "forty fucking six." i repeated. "that's insane." madelaine commented "it hasn't even felt like that, it feels like just yesterday we were all shy and didn't want to be here." wonwoo commented, pulling madelaine close to his chest.

"hey, roslyn. i'm hanging out with amelia again today, you should join us." madelaine invited me but i'm not interested, like, at all. "um, no thanks i actually have plans." i tell her "oh, with who?" she questioned as amelia and hansol came up to our little group.

"i- um." my voice trails off. "with jun and i, right jun?" jihoon said, pulling jun into the circle. "yep, uh huh, 100%." jun smiled, playing along. "rude." jeonghan pouted. i was going to hit him playfully till i remembered hansol was here.

"sorry babe." i apologized, pecking his lips, making the pout go away. "i'm still shook you guys are together." madelaine commented. before you ask, no, we didn't tell anyone but jihoon about the plan because he can keep a secret and we trust him with a secret as big as this.

"yeah, neither can i." hansol said but with no tone of excitement or happiness. his comment was flat and plain. "trust us, we can't either." jeonghan said and i elbowed him to shut him up.

"so, shall we go?" jihoon asked and i nodded. "yeah. bye baby." i smiled kissing jeonghan again, taking him a back but he soon kissed me back. we pull away and i see hansol roll his eyes.

"have fun babe." hansol said to amelia, kissing her gently as a goodbye. "and that's our que to leave." jun said quickly and practically pushed me out the door. "first of all, why are you wearing that?! are you insane?!" jihoon scolds and points to the baby blue sweater i'm wearing.

"i know it's hansols it's the only clean one i have! i keep forgetting to do laundry because if you guys forgot i also work and go to fucking school!" i reminded them. "okay but that gives you no excuse for the princess ring he got you, like what?!" jun pointed at my hand and i looked at the rose gold crown ring hansol gave me for christmas.

we all spent christmas together and got each other little things like CD's and candy and clothes but got the people that we were close with bigger and better things. when i gave hansol his gift from me he instantly laughed when the top was filled with twix candy bars and a chewbacca plushy and he smiled when he saw i wrapped up his favourite sweater and gave it back to him.

he told me i could keep it but instantly took it back after remembering his girlfriend he loves so dearly was in the room.

he gave me my gift and returned a shirt i left at his house and then handed me a small box with the ring inside. he said he got it for me for our one month and lost it and that's why he showed up with chinese food instead of a gift, knowing i would love it more anyways. he said he just found it before he left the house so he just gave it to me now.

but the real question was why didn't he get amelia anything like that for christmas or their one month? and why didn't he just give the ring to her instead of me?

"i- it- fuck i don't know! i just like wearing it i haven't even taken it off since christmas dude. can we just, go?" i groaned, pointing to jihoons car. they agreed and decided to let the subject go.

jihoon and jun sit in the front and i sit in the back middle all by myself, letting them take me wherever they desire. jihoon pulls out and starts to drive, jun correcting him on every little wrong thing jihoon did, making jihoon ready to throw jun out of the car.

"my two sons are so cute, in the front seats, driving their poor helpless mother around. i'm so proud of you boys." i smiled and they both looked back at me.

"we're both older than you."


"so, why did you always turn madelaine down when she hangs out with amelia? do you not like her?" jun asks, putting a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth right after the cashier handed him his lemon flavoured ice cream. "chocolate or vanilla?" jihoon called out to me.

"lee jihoon, if you get me chocolate ice cream, kill yourself." i tell him making him laugh. "anyways," jun said, confused with my response. "do you not like amelia? did something happen?" he asked

"oh no, i really like amelia. she's young and beautiful and seems very sweet every time we exchange words it's just that, i don't know, i really want to be friend her and get to know her it's just that i'm scared. i already know hansol is going to be texting her all through the day, calling to check in, she'll be talking about him and how much they love each other and i'll just break inside." i explained.

"here you are lovely." jihoon smiled, handing me my cup filled with vanilla ice cream. "thanks jihoonie." i smiled "just for that, i'm taking your ice cream away and eating it myself, i can have two ice creams." he spat, putting a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth.

"aweh!" me and jun say at the same time. for some reason little jihoon hates being called cute when he's the cutest, smallest most caring person in the entire world. he's helped me through a lot and even though he want to kill all the members of support group sometimes, he cares about us all. "jihoonie is so cute!" jun smiled, squishing his own cheeks in admiration with his sweater paws

"i'm not cute! i'm manly as hell, i swear."


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welcome to part two of shades of blue! i hope you guys enjoyed part one but part two is a wild ass ride. read part two at your own risk because all of the characters slowly start to break throughout the book and part two is more focused on amelia, hansol, roslyn, jeonghan, jihoon, joshua and madelaine. i hope you guys enjoy and cry with me (:
- K xxx

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