chapter 13

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chapter thirteen
waking up

— third person pov

february 8 2017

the two teenagers lay in their hospital beds, lifeless and pale. support group was split up. madelaine, jeonghan, jihoon and joshua were the only ones who stayed with roslyn along with her father. the doctors say they don't know if she'll wake up and if she doesn't by the end of today, then they'll take her off life support for good.

the only people who stayed with hansol was seungkwan, amelia and both of his parents. the same was with him. if he didn't wake up by today, they would take him off life support as well.

the rest of the members split up and stayed in doors for a week, miserable, knowing that the two beautiful and beaming souls of the support group would be gone soon. they didn't pay attention to anything or anyone so they didn't even know what was going on.

the people who visited roslyn and the people who visited hansol didn't talk to each other, they absolutely despised each other.

visiting hours at the hospital we're almost over and once it was, the sad teens would be taken off life support and will die. the family members and friends of the teens where saying their final goodbyes, leaving amelia alone with hansol and leaving jeonghan alone with roslyn.

"roslyn, please please wake up. you have so much more to live for. you have to live for me, for your dad, for madelaine. i- i, i love you, i love you so much, you're the only one i have, you're the only one that cares about me and wants me to be happy... i over reacted. i woke up the next morning after our fight and regretted kissing you. i got mad at you for a dumb reason. i was a hormonal drunk young adult and i- i didn't mean to hurt you. i know you didn't mean to call me a girl, i just know you didn't." jeonghan rambled with tears in his eyes. "roslyn please wake up. i love you, please..." he held her hand with both of his hands and held her hand to his forehead, letting his elbows rest on the bed, sobbing and praying for his best friend back.

"hansol, wake up. we need you here, i need you here... what if roslyn survives? she'll need you more than anything. we all love you, we all cherish you, we all want you here. you're not a burden, you're not a mistake. just please wake up, before it's too late..." she whimpered, letting a tear fall down her cheek. "hansol please." she sniffed, holding his cold hand.

doctors walked into both rooms, nodding to amelia and jeonghan. they didn't want to sit there and see the people they love die but at the same time, they wanted to hold them till the end of time.

so, they stayed. the doctors started setting up to take the patients off life support. "please. roslyn please wake up." he whimpered. "hansol, i fucked up. i love you like a brother... wake up, both of you." he whispered to himself. "ready?" the doctors asked jeonghan and amelia but they ignored what they said.

just as they were about to pull off life support when both hansol and roslyn took a deep breath in and both of their eyes shot open. "roslyn?" hansol asked right away "hansol?" roslyn gasped.

both hansol and roslyn woke up at the exact same time, and called out each other's name. it was like their love was too strong and too real for them to separate and die. jeonghan and amelia told the doctors they woke up, smiling wide.

"jeonghan?" roslyn smiles. "rose... you're awake." jeonghan smiled, tears still running down his face. "i love you, i love you, i love you. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry." he engulfed her in the biggest hug " i love you too, i love you so much." she sniffed, as tears started welling in her eyes. "where is he? where's hansol?" she asked, hoping the boy was in the waiting room for her.

jeonghan pulled away and frowned, not knowing how to tell her the news. "what? what happened?" she asked, scared to hear what jeonghan could possibly tell her. "hansol, he..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say. "what the hell happened?"

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