Review - 23

38 4 0

User : unfriendlykat

Title: The Bone Cage

Okay I’ve got to admit that I’m really all hands for the title, I like this change from the previous title you had. This one has more of a mysterious vibe going for it and basing it on the genre that its being written on, I’d say that it also matches that well.


So, I see that your story rotates around the whole monster thing, so I liked the cover you have, it may not be that great but I found it effective. The less is more factor you have going for it is something that really caught my eye. But mostly what I liked was the little subtitle you had there, it’s definitely something that would allure me to read your book.


Okay so going into the summary I thought I would get a better gist of why you choose “The bone cage”, for your title but I felt like the summary fit more with your previous title than the current one. But putting that aside I really did like your blurb.

I like the little glimpse of your main characters that you showcased there. Going with the blurb a reader can actually get a good picture of what to expect from both of your main characters and the tales that surround them. All in all, it’s safe to say by the time I was done with your prologue, I was itching to find out who would be the one that was destined for evil, and whom for greatness.


Okay now I might be a bit bias cause I’m a huge fan of poetry, but I’ve just got to say that was a killer way to start of a story. The prose you did as the prologue was just it for me, I love the imagers used and the descriptions in it too were just superb.

 Okay well I should have guessed that from the great prologue that the chapters would also be just as great. I might have only read five chapters (including the prologue) but I could honestly say that is definitely a great book.

Your main characters Adrian and Etta are very well written, and the mystery you would wield around them before slowly giving us more information on them I found very pleasing. Also I found the length of your chapters as a nice surprise, most of the fantasy books I read also have such long chapters but yours had just the right amount of length.

Honestly I have nothing to add on how to improve your work, cause I found it flawless and amazing. Though something I'm still on the edge on is the title, although I do find it badass I still feel like it doesn't hold much to your story unlike your previous one which kind of relates to the story more. Though I might be wrong since I read only a couple of chapters.

But other than that keep up the good work and good luck.

By  - Epicadrenaline

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