FIFTEEN ━ ❝bad premonitions❞

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( chapter xv

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( chapter xv. BAD


She looked at herself in the mirror. It was September first and her hair was braided, ready to go back to Hogwarts. She was, partly, but the other part of her yearned to hide in her house as she had been doing for the better part of summer. She remembered how it was at the very end of last year with everyone knowing that her dad was a werewolf, how they treated her, and she hated it.

Snape had been the one to release the news but he didn't say anything about Calypso herself being one, and she liked to believed that he didn't know about her true nature because, honestly, it was easier to paint him as the selfish villain she had always known him as rather than someone selfless enough to keep a young girl's identity hidden. Plus, if he did know, he probably wouldn't have kept it a secret, knowing him and his thoughts about her family.

Nala meowed on her bed and immediately a smile fell on her face, turning around and going to the bed to pet the cat and coo at her. Calypso's trunk was already packed at the crate for Nala on her bed, ready for whenever they needed to leave.

"Calypso!" Remelda called from downstairs, "We're leaving in five minutes!"

"Okay!" she yelled back before turning to her cat, turning her voice into something more suited for talking to a baby, "Come here, Nala."

She picked up her cat, placing her in the crate with much difficulty as the animal wiggled around and brought out her claws and tried to bite Calypso. Eventually, she was safely inside the crate and Calypso picked it up and took hold of her trunk, moving to the door, opening it, and going down the stairs where her mother was smirking. She had been doing that since the supplies list was sent in from school.

"What?" Calypso asked, although she knew what to expect. Like every other time she asked, Remelda simply shrugged and moved on causing Calypso to roll her eyes. "Oh, come on."

"What? I haven't said anything," Remelda said innocently enough.

"Exactly the problem," the young girl said, "You keep looking at me like you know something I don't and then try and act ignorant, like you're not hiding anything when I know you are!"

Remelda scoffed, "Get in the car," and then opened the door, heading out and leaving Calypso to huff to herself. Following suit, the fifteen-year-old girl closed the front door and when to the trunk, opening it up and placing her luggage inside except for the crate, taking that to the passenger's seat where she sat.

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