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1. "I know I may do a lot of stupid shit, but at least I'm closer to finding someone than you are"

2. "I just need you to stop being nice to me unless you're gonna marry me after"

3. "I came here to win you back and dammit I'll do whatever it takes"

4. "I messed up"

5. "Please just do this for me"

6. "I don't even know you"

7. "Seriously? Now you wanna talk?"

8. "You're reading what?"

9. "Get your hands off my .... "

10. "I don't understand you..."

11. "Put my hand where?"

12. "What the hell is that?"

13. "Is that what you're doing? Trying to make me hate you?"

14. "So you hate me now too? Join the club"

15. "Ow! That's not my arm"

16. "He can have her!"

17. "What kind of game is this?!"

18. "We need more water balloons"

19. "I don't know what to say to that"

20. "No! I'm not a fucking virgin!"

21. "A dog?"

22. "Truth or dare?"

23. "You ate them! I was saving them!"

24. "It was real, it was real to me..."

25. "Why do you care? It's not like we're friends or anything?"

26. "Stop saying you're sorry!"

27. "Make out with me"

28. "Do I look like his brother?"

29. "Hey I'm going to- oh"

30. "No we're actually married"

31. "I'm pregnant"

32. "Did you bring it?"

33. "Watch your hands"

34. "I just want my best friend back..."

35. "I'm mad at you because I love you!"

36. "I've been in love with you my entire life"

37. "It's so big!"

38. "Well, this motel room is too cold"

39. "Did you really like it? Like honestly?"

40. "No! I won't be your secret!"

41. Today was the first family gathering I've been to since we broke up and my little cousin that absolutely adored you asked where you were and I had to lock myself in the bathroom and sit in the tub for half an hour and look through a folder on my phone of pictures I took of you to feel okay

42. I still have your phone number memorized though I haven't called you since we split and somehow I remembered it even though I've had six shots of bourbon and hey, I know you're pissed that you're here at 3am to pick my drunk ass up, but you have to admit that's pretty impressive

43. So I know I haven't talked to you in like two years and that things ended badly between us but WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED WTF

44. well this is awkward considering the last time we saw each other I was screaming at you to never talk to me again, but like, my dog recognized you from across the park and literally dragged me over here because she misses you

45. I was exhausted and wandered into your flat instead of nine and crashed on the couch and when morning came you screamed and spilt cereal all over yourself

46. That's stage kiss was not SCRIPTED WTF

47. I had the weirdest dream about you and now I can't stop thinking about you naked

48. We've both been arrested and we're stuck in the same cell, we won't be bailed out till morning so you might as well tell me your story

49. You're always at the university library at 3am because it's the only time you can focus hello hi same here

50. You asshole how dare you- bring me flowers? are you apologizing? who are you and what have you done with my arch nemesis

51. I absolutely hate you but my cat adores you and she keeps wandering into your apartment and you keep appearing to bring her back

52. If you don't want us to be found out then please stop wandering into my lessons during the middle of class

53. The new nursery in this house is covered in highlighter yellow paint, our baby is going to hate this I told you we should've gone with purple

54. Okay, no, we just saw you guys MAKING OUT what do you mean it was platonic just admit it already

55. We always tease you guys about how you look like a couple but instead of laughing or doing normal stuff you just grin at each other and I'm getting suspicious

56. I kind of hate you but you have a dog and I love dogs

57. So you just yelled out that you love me in front of everyone and I'm sorry for teasing you but GET OUT of the bathroom and FACE ME DAMMIT

58. so I've known you for years but today I finally met your family and you introduced me as your girlfriend and we did NOT DISCUSS THIS

Daniel Howell ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz