Unveiling the Past

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"I am Thanatos, the God of death." His stormy greys keeps me rapt in his grasp as he continues. "I sevre the Underworld as its minister. "

"I guessed." And every set of eyes except one turns to me. "Zeus called you death and for you be here it was the most practical reason."

He lips stretch to a smile highlighting his dull eyes. "You have always been smart."

Instead of rejoicing for such a rare compliment, the familiarity with which he spoke brought a cloud of gloom.

"Is it because of your identity as a god that you left? For duty sake?" I ask forcing myself to only nod in understanding if it were true.

"No." He replies and my heart palpitates.

"Then, why?"

This breaks something clear in his eyes as it churns in contrasting thoughts before he sighs seeming defeated and weighed down by unspeakable burdens.

"I was hurting you Rain."

The initial wave of shock is subdued by anger. "You could have come up with a better excuse, Thanatos."

The name foreign to my tongue shocks him silent.
"Please believe me Rain, I am not making up an excuse."

Reigning in my temper I smile, putting off the effort to make it seem real. "Its hard for me to believe since I remember no such thing."

Witnessing how the truth he had held back for all those bitter years unravel and failing to pass through, his fists clench turning his knuckles pale. "Can't you feel yourself weakening?" His voice rise louder not in rage but aggravation.

"What does my present condition have to do with you leaving five years ago?"

"I am the god of death." He repeats as in explanation.


This time his eyes smile with its usual light even if it were only fleeting. And in the background that had long lost its colour Will sniffles his laughter being the only one to react to our banter while all others present looked on with a blank face and without judgement as if it were their only way to grant privacy.

"My duty as the god of death is to collect and guide the souls of the deceased to the Underworld thus bringing death to all mortal creatures."

"I am...death."

"My presence weakens living souls, it drains them of their life." The words were only a whisper.

"Then why were you on earth that day?
Why come to my door?

I did not let an emotion flicker through as he stares in disbelief of how lightly I seemed to look at the matter.

"I was at your hospital by an accident, in a mishap that occured due to a wandering soul and then I met you."

"Your aura Rain." He eyes seem to look past mine seeing something I couldn't. "It was strange and I remained a while in curiosity and in the end met you in person out of a whim."

A smile shadows his lips as he thinks back. "The whim of mine was without an intention to stay, but I found myself coming back to you."

"And somewhere along I realised I couldn't leave, but I was too late to realise the consequences of my action."

Finding only daggers around every corner, I steeled myself to listen further.

"I was not familiar with the health conditions of mortals and with your frequent recurring fevers, I only feared it was a serious physical ailment till your doctors could no longer keep you awake."

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