149:Gordie Imagine for @221B-Zoolane

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For 221B-Zoolane

You closed your eyes, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest.

Gordie rolled out of bed, quite literally, nearly falling to the floor.

You sat in the middle of your room, meditating before you started your day.

Gordie stood up, stretching, and he happened to look out his window.

You finished your meditation, slowly getting up.

//The Next Week//

Gordie caught you meditating again. He had seen you meditating before, but was never actually sure what you were doing. All he could see from his window was your face, your eyes closed. Then he'd see you stand up.

You couldn't start your day without meditating. You also knew that no one in the little town of Castle Rock knew much about meditation or zen, so you often kept it to yourself.

Gordie got dressed. He had planned to go hang out at the treehouse with the guys, but today was different. He felt like there was something he needed to do.

You finished your breakfast. You went to finish the rest of your morning routine. Then there was a knock at the door, which was strange.

"Um, hi, Y/n," Gordie greeted you when you opened the door.

"Hi, Gordon," you replied, confused as to why he was at your front door.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends today."

This took you by an even surprise. "Oh, uh.. sure." You looked down, realizing you were still in your pajamas. "Let me put on some other clothes. I'll be right back. Um, you can wait inside, if you like."

He stepped just inside the door, closing it behind him, as you ran back to your room to get dressed.

You quickly put on some day clothes and put your hair up. You slipped on your shoes and went back out to where Gordie was waiting.

As you two walked through town, he told you about the treehouse he and his friends, Chris, Vern, and Teddy, put together. You knew his friends, of course, because you all went to school together, but you had never really known them outside of school. He made a stop in the dime store to get a magazine, and then you guys continued on to the treehouse.

"She's a girl!" Teddy hissed.

Gordie, Chris, and Teddy were having a sort of group huddle. You sat nearby, pretending not to hear their loud whispers.

"So what? We let you in here, don't we?" Chris shot back.

There was more discussing before they disbanded, and Chris and Teddy went back to their card game.

Gordie came over and sat by you. "Good news: they're okay with you hanging out here."

"Oh good," you replied, not that you were particularly worried. Worrying was something you tried to avoid, something meditation helped with. "So what do you guys normally do?"

Gordie shrugged. "Play cards, read, other stuff. Not much really."

"New round," Chris announced. "You guys wanna play?"

"Sure," Gordie answered.

You shook your head. "No thanks."

You watched them play. Gordie got out pretty early on and ended up just sitting back and reading the crime magazine he bought. You continued to watch, amused, as Chris and Teddy throw insults back and forth.

There was a knock on the trap door in the floor of the treehouse.

"That's not the secret knock," Gordie said, loudly, still flipping through the magazine.

A muffled voice replied, "I forget the secret knock. Let me in!"

The guys exchanged a look and in unison said, "Vern."

As Teddy and Chris moved their makeshift card table, really just a wooden crate, to open the trap door, you turned to Gordie.

"Is it normal for Vern to forget the secret knock?"

Gordie snorted. "I'd be more surprised if he remembered the secret knock."

You two laughed before realizing a very red faced Vern Tessio was sitting opposite you two, trying to catch his breath.

"Wait til you hear this. It's great. Just let me catch my breath. I just ran all the way from my house."

Once again, the other three guys exchanged a knowing look, this seemed to be something they did a lot. "I ran all the way home!" "Doo-ah doo-ah ooooh..." "Just to say I'm sorry."

You laughed at their seemingly perfect choral outburst.

"Aw, come on guys. Fine."

"Guys, guys," Chris called.

The boys' overall rambunctious demeanor, a contrast to your own calm one, oddly amused you.

They had gone into another round of reeling laughter at the expense of Vern's patience.

"You guys wanna see a dead body?"


Even you had been drawn into a participating role versus your observatory role thus far.

After Vern explained how he had accidently found out about the location of Ray Brower's body, everyone was getting excited again. They came up with a plan to find the body and claim the fame that might come with their "discovery."

"Y/n, since you're here, are you in? You don't have to go with us, but you can't tell-"

"I'm in."

I hope you like it! I honestly don't know much about meditation myself except what we went over in psychology, but I hope what I had there was close. Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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