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Green pov.

"Link go outside we have to talk to the doctor." My mother told me pointing to the playground. I hated being alone, but I follow her instructions. I walk outside I don't know why I have to see this 'doctor' all he did was ask me about my feelings and watched my behavior. I start playing in the sand, no one could even see me.

I hear a laugh and someone asking if they could play with me, I look behind me to see a boy who looked just like me but he had a more childlike aura, and big pointed ears. He also wore a dress like outfit with an undershirt, a belt holding a sword, a matching red floppy hat, white tights, and boots. Something about him was off but I was so happy to not be alone I nodded yes right away. We started making a hole for no reason.

As time went on a boy like the first join but in blue with an angry but confident attitude, he suggested we play on the jungle gym I loved the idea. We played king of the castle "Hey can't you do anything better?" the blue boy yelled blocking my attempt. 

"It's cute how you didn't notice me." a boy in purple like the others standing behind the one in blue, he gave a calm and intelligent stance. I was happy to be playing with someone let alone three boys my age, I didn't have any friends. A dark flash brought our attention to a boy just like my new friends wearing black, and with purple hair, floating mid air. 

"Mind if I join?" he asked looking at me. 

"Yes of course! But... how are you doing that?" I say right away being the happiest in my life so far.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he said in a strange tone before joining us. We played and played until we had to take a break because of exhaustion.

"What are your names anyway?" I ask huffing as I sat down. 

"We don't have names." the purple one said. 

"I know we should come up with names, like I could be Red!" the now Red said before continuing "You could be Blue, you should be Violet, or even better Vio that sounds better right? You look like a Shadow, and you could be Green!" my now named friends all nodded 

"I have a name already it's Link, but I like Green better now that I think about it. I guess it'll just be between us." I say joining in.

"That would be best Green." Vio said looking me straight in the eyes. 

"Why?" I ask tilting my head. 

"The reason you can see us and why Shadow is floating mid air is, you have what's called schizophrenia; you see, hear, and feel things that aren't there, we aren't real your mind created us without you knowing." 

I almost cry at that "But I thought I made friends!" 

"You did you just can't tell anyone about us for some reason, I think Vio knows, I don't like it either." Red said giving me a big hug. 

"If people finds out they may try to get rid of us fearing your safety, we won't let anything bad happen to you. But if they try and succeed in 'fixing' you, we will no longer exist, we are only a figment of your mind without it we can't exist in any form." I nodded yes agreeing to the terms getting the others to join the hug.

Both me and Shadow we're swinging as Blue and Red kept look out "Hey Green, just thought you should know that, the doctor said you have ADHD basically you can't sit still, and you have some minor thinking disorder or something. I just overheard it from before I came and joined you guys." I smile at the heads up, as I jumped off. I heard my mother calling me I run to her hugging her wishing I could tell her about my friends. "Hey Sweet heart the doctor wanted you to start writing your feelings in a book, you won't have to show anyone but he thinks it would be good for you." 

Red followed me to the car. He came in and said "We won't leave you alone Green, not ever, one of us will always be with you. Just stay quiet ok we can talk and play when you get home." he cuddled up right next to me keeping me warm.

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