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Shadow pov.

What's taking them so long! I whine in my mind. All we do is protect the body Green's stuck in. All day and night we're either protecting him or worrying him. Vio has been trying to figure out how this all happened.

Blue has been getting more and more antsy. Red has been crying to figure out where we are. Vio hasn't been sleeping enough. I can't even sleep myself.

I can't take it anymore. I need for things to go back to normal. I miss the pure forest air. I pull at my purple hair in stress. I miss the adventures, of exploring temples and killing monsters.

All the building and busy streets. They terrify me and make me go into mental panic, how is all this movement and unmoving world, it doesn't feel natural, or safe. I pant and whine, the sun shines brighter burning my eyes.

Red doesn't like it either. No little kittens or other cute animals. Smoke that reminds him of the worst monsters we used to fight.

Blue finds it boring and dull. He has nothing to do in this Hell hole. All his pent up energy leads to the minor dents in the walls. He's the only one who has broken through to the real world, I'm honestly impressed.

Vio just reads and reads hiding his feelings. But I sometimes hear him. He cries and claws at himself. Vio hasn't ever broken the skin. But I worry about him.

And Green, I can tell he wants to get out and be with us. To truly interact with us. But at least one of us can be in the real world.

"Guys? You know that theory I had? It worked..." I hear Vio explain. I turn around to see our bookworm in the body.

"Surprise!" I hear Green yell, he's just like our last memory before this! I hug him smiling, the others join in.

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