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Zelda pov.

Ok I've written all of the notes I've come up with. My biggest obstacle is that I can't see, hear, or feel my partner. Meaning everyday I have to call Green so that he can tell me what Vio has come up with. And we are barely scratching the surface of this puzzle and we have been doing this for a week. Also means if Vio spots a problem he can't tell me until the end of the day, when I have probably built a lot of stuff up on that problem.

To avoid suspicion me and Green are pretending to be crushing on each other. So now my dad is becoming increasing observant when me and who ever is control of their body are with each other. The reasoning is pretty obvious but annoying to say the least. To hide the notes I put them in a lockable diary. Even when I've been going over them, I have been hiding the notes.

Vio says he's pretty close on figuring out how the potions needs to be applied. The Link trying to gain a body needs to drink three shots worth of their potion, wait 30 minutes before switching out. They need to be eating at least double to feed the new body. Some sort of ritual will need to be done after a week of this.

(A/n sorry this is short but I couldn't think of what more to add to this right now, plus I'm a little stressed right now)

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