Upping the Visits

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Green pov.

They forgot two words on the 'welcome' mat here. To Hell. Sadly mom and Dad did realize I came home and now I get to see the therapist twice a week now. Oh boy. The unique shade of puke is present within the halls and lobby. The paintings are all touchy feely quotes from the internet. A variety of little annoying jingles play every fucking second and the whole thing smells stall.

"Mr. Courage, your appointment is now" the new girl with dark red hair tells me, trying a bit too much in her smile. Groaning I get up and go in. Doctor Garaid is waiting, oh fucking joy. Sitting down I prepare to lie at every opportunity. Somehow the whole room smells worse than the rest of the place, or maybe it's just my hatred of it. Sighing he looks up from the papers he was filling up.

"Link why did you run away?" He asks faking his judgmental eyes. I hope he's only this shitty at his job for me. I ignore him. "You do need to talk." He says pushing some papers away. 

"I'm not Link. I'm Green. And it technically wasn't running away as I did plan on going back." First lie, sorta, I didn't want to but we couldn't run forever and it was better to do it on our own terms.

"Your parents told me they looked in your note books. What were those markings?" Not even going to bother digging this time. 

"None of their business." I would rather be homeless than this. And I've seen the conditions they face everyday for only a week and it was still hard. He writes them down.

"Why did you disappear?" Now to come up with major bullshit. 

"Because there was no point in staying. And I wanted to see what normal lives are," He can go digging to come up with meaning behind that himself.

"Do you feel safe at home?" He asks writing the last answer down. 

"Yes," lie number three. Ever since I met my counterparts Home has been slowly becoming more and more dangerous for me.

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