Part AB

64 6 4

Three days later

Blue pov.

"Where's Green?" I cross my arms not seeing Green when we need to switch in ten minutes. 

"Eating, we're trying to get a second body here, so yeah he could probably eat the whole house if we let him." Shadow explains annoyed that I woke him up. I go downstairs finding him in the fridge, inhaling the cheese.

"We need to switch." I pull on his shoulder to get him to stand up. He takes a moment to finish chewing and swallowing. 

"Sorry, but I feel like I haven't eaten in months..." he says giving me a guilty smile. 

"I know that, I've been experiencing the same think." I push him out while saying that.

Green just lays there on the floor, panting slightly. That appears to be another of the side affects. We feel like we have ran a mile a minute, upon switching. The potion kicks in, getting me to turn the sink on and inhale the water coming out. Green been doing most of the eating, that's the affects he's having. I feel like I'm about to die of thirst.

Red has been worrying over this whole ordeal. Like what if this takes longer than predicted? How exactly is the second body going to form? If this fails, what happens? Shadow has probably been having the same issues but he's always been quiet about things like that.

Zelda has been calling us fives times as much. But we've only been answering I think two out of five times. She might just be as paranoid as Red. Both her and Vio kept going over every single detail too. Overall this whole ordeal is extremely annoying, but if this ends in success it's worth it.

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