Day 1

102 8 5

Blue pov.

Finally! We're away from everyone breathing down our neck, and taking our seats. "Vio, Vio, Vio." I taunt poking him, he knows I want control of the body.

"Wait a minute..." he whispers not showing any other recognition. He turns into an alley once out of sight he calls me over. I push him out taking his place. He winces slightly but gets up and joins Red in searching for any more clues about Zelda.

Shadow is busy looking at tattoos. Green is fucking around. He's in the middle of the street because that one of the few perks of not having a body. Red is with Vio looking into any evidence of Zelda being here. We're following the first lead, using a note Vio found evidence of it being in a swamp. Something about the bacteria I didn't listen.

Red pulls on my hand leading me over to Vio. I lean against the wall making myself look like some delinquent asshat teenager. Red goes to drag Green back over. It's pretty hard for him since he keeps getting startled by the cars. Good thing he's good at working through things (normally needing a bit of help).

Shadow notices us all joining up and floats on over. Lucky bastard. "So Vio, what's up?" he asks floating over his shoulder. Vio points out a fake gold necklace the one we gave Zelda for her birthday. Zelda puts a lot of stock into mental value, and I've never seen her without it since then. I know it's the same one because of the dent I put in it by pushing Green while mad.

"Zelda was here. I need access to a computer, then I can cross reference this location with what I already know, and pick out the closest possible route," Vio explains standing up. 

"Blue your in control of the body, you have to pick it up" Green tells me reminding me of the boring task. I just dump it in one of the plastic bags Shadow packed.

The sun starts to set. Finding a somewhat clean alley. But more importantly for us, alone. I set up the grey and blue simple tent. Shadow goes in first and the rest all crowd in. Well I've had enough fun in the body for today so I'll be switching with someone in the morning, but for now fuck off.

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