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Shadow pov.

We need supplies for the exploration. Food, water, clothes, are the very start of what we need, we thankfully can carry our own weapons. Next is blankets, telescope or binoculars, a map of the city, umbrella, and money. Vio has brought it up multiple times. But they're all day lighters while I'm a night owl. So I just took the body and started packing. I also can float, very surprisingly, so no noise there.

Vio wants to plan it out, get more information before rushing out. Green has been in shock as in this life he is the only one to personally talked to Zelda, we could have him pass messages it's not the same. We never got the chance... Is she stuck in her own body. How many are? Majora? Vaati? Ganon? Other Link's? Midna? Impa? Any one could be out there... or just the Triforce.

But this is our new world not Hyrule. Not Termina. Not the Dark World. Picori Forest, Lost Woods, or Kakariko Village. We will find a way to live here even if we have to share a body, and keep it a secret. We have after years, of searching, found each other and we are never leaving after all that shit.

Next is we all have to get rest tomorrow. Mainly me cause tomorrow night we're ditching this joint to save our friend. We know how the curse goes. Some dick kidnaps Zelda, or turns her the stone, force her into hiding, somehow she is forced out of her life. But her hero comes and saves her, cause this game is rigged and Zelda is sadly the key that doesn't want to turn, but is forced to.

Now just to figure out where to put it so no one sees it tomorrow...

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