Day 4

108 7 12

Green pov.

We're almost there. Once inside there's absolute no way for us to turn back. Not that there's much room to do that right now. But I like it that way, I don't hate my parents they didn't realize what they gave birth to, and they never will. We weren't meant to be in this world. We should still be in Hyrule but instead we're in this Hell.

A world with access to an infinite power, and ways to harness it. Yet almost no one uses it. They are cutting off their own vitals. Poisoning the world's soils and order, by removing a form of blood in sorts. But there's only so much blood a body can hold. And they've drained so much, ignoring the fruit offered to them.

Zelda is the only one who we know shares this curse. Even if she doesn't realize it. I know I may sound crazy, but I don't care. I don't want her as my lover, I just want someone to say I'm not crazy. Someone to see my counterparts. I just want her to be safe, she is a good friend. Best one that everyone sees, the only one they see. 

It's depressing really, that's the real reason I wanted to do this so much, to get away, it just happens to be about saving her at the moment.

The people surrounding me don't realize who I'm talking to, my voice just sounds like any other. Meaning I just need to stay quiet enough so they don't realize I'm right next to them. Finally free really, I'm not sure I could go back after this. But I will, or the other's will, after all after a certain time Shadow's hair won't fool them, cause dye exists, and while we couldn't get easy access to a hairdresser or shower, we could still dye it. His eye will be chopped up to being a contact.

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