Day 5

89 8 6

Red pov.

It's my day to get control of the body, I'm really nervous. I switch with Green, I hate it, having to push my friends out. Going out into the street I realize a big difference. I'm at least an entire inch shorter than everyone else. No wonder people keep mistaking me as a kid.... On the plus side they can't ID me as Link.

Anyways what I like is that more people are willing to give directions. Not a huge advantage but hey it's all we got right now. Another thing is, I can say I got separated from my mother, and I'm just going to our meeting spot. Not to mention they don't suspect me to steal crap, like so many idiots do with every other teen.

Plus I want to spend a little- just a little, time looking at the flowers here. After all they were the thing that led us here. The Pinks and blue are just so cute together and it's amazing that even the most industrial cities can have flowers like this even if it's only in a few areas. Most only notice how run down this part of town is, all the broken down buildings and warehouses.

I do stick out here though... Most of the people either look scared or are a reason to be afraid. Sadly most of them are people of colour, in a way trapped here by a sad cycle of bad education leading into a bad neighbourhood, which leads back to the bad education. It's almost cruel how even with equal rights they are still stuck in the worse neighbourhoods because of old laws.

But never mind that for now... We're getting close now we have to stay out of sight and actually pay attention. More people with weapons appear, as the number of normal people goes off to halt. The quality of other things go down as well, the buildings start looking like they are about to collapse, the road move worn down. But then it comes into sight. A building crudely kept together, guarded by armed men.

We're here we found where they're keeping Zelda....

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