Test One

80 6 2

Green pov.

Today I get to hang out with Zelda for the first time, since we rescued her. The bad news is that we won't have any time alone (as in there are a lot of people in the house). So yay I get to be with the only person who believes me and we can't even talk about it. And the last time we talked she told me there's something we need to talk about.

Getting out of the car which smells of dirty actions, I sigh finally free from that Hell. Knocking a maid answers moving aside to let me in "Thank you, would you be kind enough, to tell me where Zelda is?" I ask taking my boots off. 

"She's in her room, her father's too scared to let her outside so soon after her return," the kind lady tells me with sympathy for her.

I smile going up to her room. I knock slowly opening the door I see her working away at her desk. "Hey Princess!" Going in I hug her from behind. She laughs turning around to hug me back. 

"Well my hero, now I can tell you what I've been working on," she tells me showing me the pages briefly before continuing.

"I think there might be a way to give the others their own bodies. At first I thought it would just need one or two potions. But it needs five, one for each Link. The potions need to be drank within minutes of each other. And each one of you have to match the Link. I might just be able to do it." She tells me.

I hug her back immediately Red joining in followed by the others. "We would love that! It's horrible being stuck like this and that would be a dream come true!" I state cheerfully trying to keep my voice down. 

"Well I do need to repay my rescuer," Zelda says with a loving voice. 

"Green, I want to help her, I can stay her during the day and you guys can call each other for us to communicate," Vio says already staring at the taken notes. 

I repeat it to a delighted Zelda, who happily agrees.

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