The Fight

103 6 16

Third person pov.

(A/n this is my first time writing a fight scene so if you have feed back please give it to me. This is probably vague)

The Link's didn't have time to plan anymore. This was the finale of Zelda's imprisonment, the Grand curtain call. Or they would die trying. They got their weapons ready for use and decided who would start off this battle. Their choice was Shadow with his ability to fly, even if only minor. So the shadow with a body waited for the guard to move.

He moved, Shadow hovered over to the window, and started to form a small black ball of energy. He shot it at the guard and quickly caught him before he could alert the others, pushing him out of sight, he repeated the process with another to eliminate another in case they were spotted. Getting in Shadow spotted three cameras, one just beyond the corner, another in the mid hall, the last staring right at the window!

A alarm sounded, alerting the guards in the area of their intruder. 

"Fuck!" The gothic teen growled. Blue quickly switched places with him, plowing through a group of grunts. Breaking a few feet along with their guns. Vio pushed Blue put taking out the cameras to stop any extra advantages they could give the enemy.

"We need to get rid of the system." Vio declared running down the halls. Aiming for the gang's legs and hands. Shadow quickly located it. 

"Vio turn left, it's the third closest!" He yelled, as Vio followed and Blue and Green went searching for Zelda. Red quickly switched, breaking the lock with his sword.

A gun fired, thankfully Red expected that and so had his shield up and ready to block. The man fired three more shots before running out. Red took the opportunity to backflip, hitting the member in the face (a/n I picture this more than you think). Red dragged the body out. Pulling out his fire rod to scorch the room, and to prevent the fire from spreading, he dosed it with his ice rod.

"Most of the gang should be gone, this isn't that big of a building after all but keep your guard up." Vio remind him and Shadow. Most of the guards should just be by Zelda. 

The familiar sound of Blue's yelling filled their ears, "THEY'RE TRYING TO ESCAPE WITH ZELDA!" Red ran following the shout. Noticing a car getting ready to leave.

Green joined them and in a hurry switched. Green was a better fighter and unlike Red, had a much better ability to aim. The two men taking her spotted him and took aim. Undeterred Green continued chasing them, and started to aim his weapon. Throwing it, it hits one of the guys shoulders causing them to fall and hit their head, knocking them out.

The last one decided it would be better to run than be caught. Leaving Zelda tied up to a chair lying down on its side, gagged and tied up. Green ran up to her using his sword to carefully cut the ropes. Zelda quickly pulled off her bag hugging him, crying slightly. 

"It's ok Zelda you're safe now," the young hero said rubbing her back. 

"Green thank you so much! How did you find me?..." Zelda asked and thanked her voice horse from lack of water.

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