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Vio pov.

After showing and telling the other's our big revelation, Green's- I mean our mom started calling out, upset about Green running away. I frown knowing Green won't willing get back into our body for awhile, and the others aren't going to take the yelling well. Maybe Red would, but I wouldn't allow innocent little Red, to ever get yelled at if I could stop it.

I sigh going to her knowing she'll never call us by our proper names. The ones Red picked out for us. I hear her grumbles stuff about not signing up for this and us always being difficult. She tries to hide it, but she does think about giving us up. I don't blame her, she doesn't know how to help us or anything about what we're dealing with.

Going up to her, I plan out my actions to mimic Green, the only son she has ever known. "Hey mom..." I slowly say leaning against the railing. 

"You can't just run off every time we have a disagreement." She responds angrily. 

"I know, but you really need to learn to pick your battles," she frowns unhappy with my answer. 

"I'll do that when you respond to your name, and not a colour." I bite my lip ignoring my want to slip out our secret and lose them.

I go back in ignoring mom's further protests. I wish they could see us. Even with our new found ability to switch who is in the body, only one can be out at a time.

I loosen my steps from my calm emotionless ones. I lower my posture every time I leave the room. Green is busy enjoying what he finds to be a freeing world, but the body can't survive without someone in it, and neither can us, at least I think, and I'm not going to test it. When me and Green switched for a second I felt like I couldn't breath, my heart stopped, along with my other organs.

Blue goes up to me, starting to bag me, to switch with him. "Blue, if you want to so badly, maybe tonight we can sneak out, but please it's not safe to do it here. Until we learn more about this it's to dangerous to mess with." I snap slightly. 

"Fine bookworm but I'm holding you to that." He says back a proud smirk residing on his face.

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