Part AC

73 5 9

Green pov.

Thank goodness Blue took over, I felt like a black hole. Now I can finally rest, without an undying hunger. I lay down, sighing I lay down beside Shadow. Sadly I still have four more days of this crap, and it's starting to hurt. I feel like I'm in a condensed pregnancy. But instead of making a boy, I'm making a full grown and very big teen, that's bigger than me for Din's sake! I just hope I don't have to give birth or something.

Four (ha) day skip

So much pain... and I get to be terrified without anyone who can call an ambulance! Vio ended up coming here, so at least all of my family (a/n take this however you like) is here. Blue is also experiencing the same thing. We're back to back right now because that's less painful. The good news is that Vio predicted this would happen.

A scream escapes my lips as what I'm assuming forced mitosis comes to it's end. The splitting of cells. The worse part being that despite it happening all over my body, it can only join Blue's, where we're touching! Blue shifts trying to get more contact, making it much easier for both of us. Finally after what felt like hours, the torture ends.

I pant shivering, before vomiting in one of the many holes in the floor. The floor creeks under Blue's very new and very real weight. I can hear him pat himself down, probably pinching himself too. 

He jumps "I got my own body!" Shouting he jumps around for a bit. I struggle to lift myself up to look. He's naked, but his Sword and hammer are both very much there. We'll have to steal some clothes from dad.

He hugs me tightly, kissing my cheek almost violently. Vio and Red clap with the performance, while Shadow makes some cat calls to us in good nature. 

"Blue I don't think I can walk home... everything hurts like a Dark World storm..." I whisper unable to talk any higher, my mind feeling like it might slip any moment. Blue picks me up starting to walk me home as I pass out.

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