First day of school

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It's been months since I met my hallucinations, they told me I would be going to school today. My parents didn't tell me because they thought I would freak out at the thought of them leaving me but I have Red, Blue, Vio, and Shadow! I grab a snack like Shadow told me, Vio said he would be more than happy to help teach me too. Blue woke me up early and told me "Get used to it you will have to start doing this everyday now." I hug him before he shoved me away. Me and Blue fought a lot but he's still my friend. My mom entered the room she looked surprised to see me up. 

I grabbed a green shirt before mom could protest "Link you always wear green now, why?" she eyed a blue shirt hoping I'd wear it instead. 

"It's my favorite color!" I say hugging her and walking past her. Red told me to eat up because my parents would be taking me to school soon.

At school Vio got annoyed with all the lessons and told me to sneak off with pencils and paper. We ended up hiding in the math storage room after Shadow taught me how to pick locks. Vio looked at me and said "If they're just going to baby you, I'll teach you." he taught me the alphabet, how to count to one hundred, and the basic colors. 

Blue ran in and yelled "Get your butt, back to class they're going to take attendance," I sneak my way back to class joining in the back before anyone noticed.

This happened every day we could, Vio and the rest of us would go to the storage room, one would keep look out, and Vio would teach the rest of us. We were only a month in and Vio had gotten me to steal grade 3 tests to teach me with. During tests he'd help me through it but I didn't need any thanks to his lessons. Vio told me we should start learning morse code in case I need their help and others are around. It took a week to learn but it was worth it I could spend all the time I wanted with my friends and learn way ahead of my grade we even started grade five work.

May 9th, my parents came to pick me up early but thanks to the other class I got caught going back to class, my parents yelled at me. And the teacher only now realized I was never in class, great Vio can't teach me anymore. "Link what were you thinking, why were you out of class, you freak out just as the thought of being alone. You could have gotten hurt." I cried in the back seat as we went to my psychologist. 

Red hugged me and told me "They're just idiots. Don't pay them any attention, if they're not going to listen." I wanted to hug Red but my parents would see so I just let him hug me.

I walked into the same bland room as before. Doctor Garaid waiting for me "Link, your parents told me you left your class, why?"

I sit down Shadow sat next to me, "Why should I waste my time if they're just going to baby me." I ask with a glare.

"Well Link if you're so smart why don't you show me what you know." he handed me a piece of paper. I didn't listen to Shadow and did one of the problem a normal kid wouldn't normally would know*3x7-a=11 a=8* I handed it back he went a bit wide eyed. 

"Link how did you learn multiplication and variables?" He asked looking through his desk to grab a few sheets with the questions already written on. 

"I hid in the math storage room and I 'borrowed' a few textbooks and worksheets." I do the stupid questions getting up to 7th grade work in my lowest of marks. He called in my parents I couldn't take ignoring them any longer so I ran off before they noticed.

I of course go to the park where I met them. Vio, Blue and Shadow looked scared and Red was bawling his eyes out. "Green, people are going to ask how you know all this, please don't tell them, lie refuse to speak just please don't tell them." Vio said as Blue tried to calm Red.

"I would never but they weren't going to leave me alone if I didn't and I don't know what the grade level is." I ask hugging them I can't lose them, I just can't. 

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