Secrets and Gratitude

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Zelda pov.

Green lead me back to the more populated part of town after handing me some food. Through out the walk he seemed to be talking to nothing. "Green... thanks again for saving me..." I squeezed his hand getting him to look at me. 

"Your welcome Princess. After all we are heroes..." he muttered the last bit a little but I caught it.

"What do you mean we?..." he looked nervously around in roughly the same directions as before. 

"Zelda, after my first trip to the psychologist, I met four boys. We've agreed to have you meet them but you can't tell anyone." He warns going into a street light on an abandoned street. He winces and right in front of me his hair turns a deep purple, his height slightly talker with a red eye!!!

"Hello princess it's great meeting you properly for the first time, I'm Shadow," he says smirking at my shock, revealing two sharp fangs. As if this 'Shadow' wasn't mythical as it was he started to float. "Needless to say this should confirm what we're saying. Now Green he's kinda our leader, he's the ambitious and slightly aggressive part, we can feel each other's parts but we each have our main traits. I'm the cocky bad boy, I don't like showing my sweet side to a lot of people," Shadow tells me floating down.

"How is this possible?!" I state in shock still staring at him while he floats down. 

"We'll save that for Vio," like Green he starts wincing and soon the body becomes much shorter and hair goes back to blond. 

"Hi I'm Red!" He cheers hugging me tightly, I notice two strange rods along with a sword like the one Green used. "I'm the cheerful, a bit childish side!" Red says happily giving an enormous smile. I nod still letting it sink in.

After a moment of talking he switched and their body got much taller and more muscular. "I'm Blue!" The Blue clothed teen announces proudly. I nod realizing they all had the same sword with different gems in the handle reflecting their colour. 

"So all of you rescued me... thank you... I'll take this secret to my grave..." I tell Blue, who talked more with me for awhile before switching to the last.

Vio. "Hello your highness, as Shadow told you I'm Vio. Blue is our hot headed and easily angered part, I'm the calm and collected one. The closest thing we have to an explanation is our dreams, which take place in Hyrule, and in fact in these 'dreams' you are the princess and the reincarnation of the goddess Hylia. We, Link pull a weapon called the Four Swords when Hyrule is put in danger and your kidnapped by it, and like the name it splits us into four. Shadow is the hero's Shadow given a personality and body, and was manipulated into against Hyrule, I can give you the rest of the details later, for now I leave you with Green," he tells me giving over control.

Green hugs me and I hug back as we start walking again until the police station comes into view. "I have to leave you here, Zelda," I nod kissing his cheek before running in. As he went the other direction.

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