Day 3

92 8 14

Shadow pov.

Great another cop looking around. At least I get control. Red quickly turns into an alley, once we're out of sight I push him out of the body taking his place. He fell down so he winces a little, while I mutter a quick little apology. Going back out, the officer goes up to me. Well I am wearing a hat so he can't see my hair. "Excuse me kid, have you seen a boy going by Link?" He false asks, he already thinks I'm Green.

"No, I don't know anyone going by Link." I look up making sure my hair is visible. He looks a little shocked seeing probably realizing I can't be Blondie, we wouldn't have access to easily dying hair.

"Well I would like to ask you a few questions." He wants me to refuse, so he'll have a reasonable cause to take me in. 

"Sure, I think this will do just fine. Hardly anyone's here, after all, and you're just checking up on me," I answer stopping myself from smirking.

He looks at me surprised pulling out a note pad. "Your name?" He starts out with. 

"Shadow, I don't have parents, in foster care, so I don't have a last name." I tell him, I see Green's parents as just a friend's mom and dad, so I was honest. 

"What brought you here?" He asks writing down my answer. 

"Nothing in particular, I'm just passing through to meet some friends," I tell him shrugging, my hands in my pockets. 

"Where are you going?" He asks looking at me closely. "To my friend, she didn't tell me where we're meeting up, but I have reason to think I'm going in the right direction." Still not technically lying.

"I guess that's all, just get home safely," the man tells me closing his notebook. I head out following the map Vio gave me. 

"Good job, thank goodness you're a smart ass," Vio tells me jokingly going up behind me. He kisses my shoulder happily. I smile resisting the urge to kiss him, being as we are in public, and they can only see me.

Now we're about two to three days away, each of us have been practicing our fighting skills. Now I slept during the day being carried by Blue. So I can walk the majority of the night. Most shops are in fact closed. So less people to deal with, but plenty of them are risky.

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