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Green pov.

I kick the branches and twigs away. Remembering the fight...

My mom had taken away my boomerang saying it was a toy and shouldn't be in the house. I wasn't playing with it, I just kept it in my bag. We argued a bit neither of us budging on our side of the argument. She brought up all my other 'ridiculous' behaviour too.

I ended up snapping grabbing it before running off into the woods. They'll send a search team to find me. But I just can't take it anymore. My best friends are hallucinations and no one in the 'real' world, treats me with any regard to what I want, or my well being.

I'm just a broken doll to them. I cry into my hands. "Hey Green," I look up to see Vio and his purple framed eyes, he sits down next to me. "I told the others to find something else to do," I look at him surprised he's never done anything like that before. 

"Why?" I ask looking at him. 

"You need it, Green, I know how you feel, like a discarded doll, told to fit a frame you never did..." he explains hugging me.

"I wish they could see you and the others, so they could see what true friendship is like." I say while hugging him back. 

"Maybe we could?... I don't know if my idea would work or if I'm a mad man, but it could work..." Vio trails off slightly. 

"Vio," he looks up at me "whatever you have in mind just tell me what to do, I don't care if I put myself at risk or what, I'm willing to try anything in a moment," I say in my haze of emotion of anger at this every world, and love of Vio.

Vio nods "Could you stand up?" I stand up facing him watching as he goes behind me. I feel him match the shape of my body and start walking into me. It felt like being ripped out of your skin and pushed into a new one. I close my eyes groaning.

When I opened them, I lay in shock. Seeing my body as an outsider, with Vio's eyes. "I-I thought that we could switch Green... I suspected for awhile that we were all part of the body but only one could control it at a time..." Vio stutters out in our shared shock. We are all parts of Link, I just happened to be the one in control...

"This is amazing!" Shouting, seeing my sword and boomerang there. I'm just like the others! Vio's now in and controlling the body. Vio can remain in control for eternity for all I care! "We have to tell the others!"

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