Doctor, Doctor Please

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Green pov.

"I have to go back into the body?!" I scream seeing Vio flinch. Considering I won't go back in and he's the best actor he has been for most of the last three days locked up. I know they love being in it finally able to truly be real. But for me... it's a prison reminding of how alone I am. I been getting dreams of our past. If I'm in the body I can't learn about our past even!

"Green we're seeing the psychiatrist today. Someone trained to find problems with people. Garaid will notice if you're not in control. And we aren't just illusions anymore. We are the same. They could kill us from the wrong medication." Vio argues as Blue and Shadow corner me. Red is ready to cry about the situation. Blue is extra Pissed off at my behaviour. Shadow is still upset about only being able to take control when we're completely alone. (Our eyes and hair change to match him). Vio is impossible to tell.

Blue and Shadow grab me dragging me to the bed and pinning me down. I struggle to no avail. "Please! I don't want too!" I scream. Red looking away with guilt. 

"You know we have to do this. Now more than ever we can't be discovered." Shadow growls forcing me to stop moaning. 

"We'll find a way to make it up to you! I promise!" Red says starting to cry.

I slowly give up. They loosen their grip as Vio laid down on top of me. It's much more painful but I wasn't cooperating so I guess they had to do something....

Groaning I get up. Running my fingers in my hair. I truly hate that 'doctor's' office. They can help. But no one can help us. We're a strange and foreign creature(s). They think they can, they want to as well. The only way anything could help us would be to give us each our own body.

I grab my boomerang hiding it my bag. I start writing in my journal in order to clear my own mind. Vio really wants another journal, his is almost completely filled.

Mom comes to drag me to the office. I'm getting dragged a lot today. There she checks up with the front lady. Rolling my eyes I just enter his office. The idiot doesn't have a lock on anything including confidential information about his clients.

Not seeing him there I decide to do a little misdemeanor. Opening his drawer to mine and his 35 other patients. Scattering them a smirk crawls on to my face. Most are hidden within the pages of his books. Others find themselves between the couch. He won't even notice until tonight, when he goes to add to it.

I lie down knowing my biggest threat is about to come in. I wrap my hand around my weapon. We will do this charade till we can legally leave. Then we can just get a house in the woods. Until then... we have a knife at our neck one wrong move and we die.

Garaid comes in, the others knew I need some time alone so they gave me some space. "So Link how are you doing?" I growl slightly at that name. I'm not Link. WE are Link. "Now, now you can't keep on insisting with that childish name," he says waving his finger at me. The others had come in with him. Red was crying at what he said about the names he came up with.

I imagine myself killing him. Stabbing him in the chest with my sword. Anything to get him to shut up. He used to call me by my real name. Now all he does is insult me and more importantly my friends.

"A lot of adults go by nicknames." I coldly state Blue glaring daggers at him. 

"But they aren't going by a color," he shoots back not looking at me. We should have burned his work. 

"You're not helping me. Not anymore. All you do now is give me homicidal thoughts." I plainly stated. I probably should have switched with Blue considering I'm angrier than even him at the moment.

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