Zelda's Plan

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Zelda pov.

Since the Links saved me I've been trying to return the favour. Considering my skills lie in knowledge and not fighting, it's pretty obvious I can't save them from anything. And I doubt they'd get in a scenario like that. Meaning there isn't anything I can do for them in that field, considering my father never let me learn any fighting skills.

But they are dealing with a major problem. They have to share a body. If I can figure out how to activate their sword. Or come up with a potion. If I went will the first I would need to do something special for Shadow as that probably wouldn't give him a body. I've asked for any detail about our past life to figure out what could replace the Dark Mirror they talked about, as a power and life source for him.

Whatever I used to activate the swords power it's going to need a way to represent each of the elements. Blue's is the easiest, water. Green would probably need a variety of plant matter. Vio would need air, but all this pollution might negatively affect it, so it needs to be cleaned of the heightened amounts and added particles. Red is the hardest, as the element of fire, I'm probably going to have to boil it with fire, or something similar.

Shadow is going to be even harder. Why because he's made out of a shadow. There's a chance that dark matter would be key but that wouldn't work, because there's none of it on Earth, and it would cost more than all the oil in the world. Maybe I could replace the 'dark' with reflection. After all in their remembered past life it was a mirror that gave Shadow life in the light.

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