Lights Camera Action

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Camera pov.

Being set up the first thing I capture is; a dumb forty eight year old man. "Do you think this thing is on?" Oh god no. Why? What horrible failed attempts at sex am I going to be forced to watch? Force to record and replay?! Please drop me until you can't tell what I am! My dying wish is for you to shave!

"Is the red light on?" A women calls out annoyed. Oh no my worse fears have been confirmed. Please let the batteries be almost dead... no it's at 100% and will last a whole week! The horrors continue. "Is it out of sight?" She asks, wait am I being used as a spy camera? Have my pleas been heard by the gods themselves?

"Yes I checked five times, Link will never know it's there" Mr. Ugly says his only nice feature his hair line. 

"We better get out then," Misses I have no idea what you look like says. They leave the women having ugly 70's hair. Looking around the room I recognize to be a teenager's, yes there might be some good drama after all.

A few hours pass, yelling ensues and the door slams both opening and closing. I get my good look at him, he's hot. Blond hair messed in just the right way. Blue eyes with green centers. And that 'gay' delicate frame, but like he could fight if needed. And I bet he got a matching boyfriend.

He starts mumbling, acting like there's another one in here with him. Intriguing. As time continues he stands up. Bites his lip. And suddenly he completely changes, his hair now a deep purple, with a right red eye. "Just two more days." He says, making me the the details of his chest.

This is the best thing I could ever record.

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