87.| wine

396 35 19

if i could draw i would draw fanart for this fic !! because em is tragic and likes the gay stuff she writes !!


victor couldn't find rosé wine, so he stuck with red and sat out on the cold terrace overlooking the glowing city skyline in the distance - reminding him of standing eighty stories high - and pulled out his phone.

the girl with the dark hair and slim waist, the sister of some figure skater whose name victor couldn't be bothered to remember, threw a "call me" over her shoulder, before going down the stairs to get into the taxi that had pulled up outside victor's house for her.

she left her lipstick on his dresser, and straightened her skirt as she headed for the door.

victor didn't bother with a glass - he drank straights from the bottle, which was ice cold and half-empty already.

vnikiforov: yuri

vnikiforov: you there?

victor smiled to himself as he swallowed red wine, as he saw yuri typing a response.

💓: was talking to me at 1 in the morning not enough for you?

vnikiforov: i guess not

vnikiforov: and what happened to "katsudon," huh?

💓: i just had a change of heart

vnikiforov: ah

vnikiforov: the 1975

vnikiforov: fucking nostalgia

"what music would you listen to, when you left apartment 14 far behind, baby?"

💓: do you still listen to them

vnikiforov: you got me listening to them

vnikiforov: it's a life long love

victor laughed, faltered, and downed more wine.

💓: you should listen to them right

💓: its better when you listen to them at night

vnikiforov: and what makes you think i'm not listening to them right now

vnikiforov: i could be

vnikiforov: for all you know

💓: i don't know

💓: because i'm not there

💓: but in my head you're just sitting in that house of yours drinking wine or smoking weed

vnikiforov: god i fucking miss you

💓: is that a yes

💓: it'll be rosé

vnikiforov: it's not rosé

💓: if it's not vodka or rosé, it'll be red

💓: red wine

💓: and you've got a joint in your left hand

💓: i can see it now

vnikiforov: and how do i look

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