Strange Women

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I just looked on my story. And I guess this site hates me because I looked and it deleted this entire chapter. I am really sorry and I feel terrible and very stupid. I will try to be more careful and look when I publish things. Again I am sorry

"Cami!" I scream. My ears still ringing from the explosion, I panick I don't see anyone just the dust and some fallen rumble. "I'm right here, Mom." Cami yells from somewhere in the building, I take a breath in relief that my daughter is ok. "Where are you?" My voice echos through the entire compound. "Over here." She yells and I start running towards her. I find her standing in the rubble looking fine. I rush towards her side and check her to make sure she is ok, she is and I pull her close to me, as my life depends on it. I found my baby girl. "Davina." I hear someone yell from the other side of the compound it was Kol. I run over to where his voice was echoing from. I see him and run in to his arms embracing his warm hot body with mine. "What the hell happened?" Elijah asks. "There was a bomb." Klaus said sarcastically. "We know that but who the hell set it." Marcel replies. "I can help with that." I hear a strange women say from the shadows. We all look over to where she standing. "I know who planted this bomb. And I will even tell you but you will have to follow me." The women says coming into the light. She had a hood on so we couldn't see her face but she was wearing black jeans, maroon shirt with a leather jacket and black heals. She had long black hair. That you could only see the tips since you could never see her face. She turns around so she isn't facing us and starts to walk out the door. Marcel and Elijah share a look and walk out the door.

Sorry it's short, but like I said up top I had to redo this entire chapter and I have a huge essay to work on. I am planning on only writing a few more chapters of this book and I am going to start a new book after I finish this one. the new book will be an arranged marriage but it won't come out until after the holidays since I have a lot to do in December.  

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