There's a fine line between sexy and arrogance

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Ling Ling twisted her ankle, clasping her hand to it right away.

Damn, damn, damn….of all the times for injuries, it came at the worst time. She tried to stand but the intense pain chased her and brought her back on the ground. "Owwwie…" She moaned, she knew she couldn't run away injured like she is but she has no other choice. She needed to get away before she becomes a meal to a frog.

She got up and limped about ten feet before pausing, the pain pierced through her leg. "Dammit…"

"Are you always this helpless?" Said a familiar melodic voice.

Ling Ling looked over her shoulder and found no one around. "Where are you?"

"Over here." Cooed Junjie from above.

Ling Ling looked up and found him crouched on a thick branch. His wide brim hat hid his face, and with the twilight deepening, she could barely see him at all. She'd do just about anything to get a glimpse of him again, she thought.

"Where did you came from and how long have you been watching me?" Ling Ling asked sharply.

"Ever since I heard your whimpers. I simply could help the sound of a helpless woman crying."

Ling Ling frowned. She thought Junjie had been arrogant before but now, he's just oozing with confidence. "Well since you came like a knight in shining armor ready to rescue a damsel in distress, why don't you get me out of here?!"

A flashed of smile, his smile was devastatingly wild and cocky. "That's not how you ask for help, miss."

"But you said you couldn't help a woman in distress? So why don't you help me?"

"Oh, I will. But I'm afraid my services don't come for free. You must offer me something I want first."

Ling Ling couldn't help the grimace on her face. "I thought we already been through this?"

"I'm stacking up."

"You're an opportunist!" Complained Ling Ling.

"Call it what you want, but it seemed you need my help right about now."

Ling Ling glared at him.

Junjie loosened a heavy sigh. "You know if you would've listened to me earlier, you wouldn't had found yourself like this. I told you to wait, I wasn't gone but a few minutes but you already stowed away by the time I get back."

"Because I don't know you and I don't trust you."

He breathed. "Ling Ling, I'm the only man you can trust around here, believe me."

"I still don't trust you."

Junjie watched Ling Ling with a glimmer of frustration for a few seconds. "So you would rather get eaten?"

"No, I would rather have someone else rescue me."

Junjie turned away and pursed his lips. "Listen to that," he whispered. "Sounds like they're coming closer."

Ling Ling panicked and darted her gaze distantly, she heard the faint rustling of leaves nearby.

"I don't hear anyone else coming to save you. It's only you and me here, you better make up your mind now."

"Help me, please!"

"Promise me a payment." He grinned.

"You're going to let me be a meal?"


"You're cruel! How can you just sit there and watch me like this?"

He shifted and laid on the branch as he got more comfortable. "They'll find you any second now."

"You're an asshole!" Cried Ling Ling angrily.

Junjie laughed. "I still accept kisses as payment. Preferably your first kiss."

"I'm engaged, you jerk! And how do you know I haven't made up with him? I kissed Bolin a million times!"

Junjie smiled, "no, you haven't."

"Yes, I did!"


Ling Ling picked up her sandal and threw it at him which he caught effortless in between his two fingers. Junjie let himself fall from the branch landing like a limber cat on the ground.

His wide brim straw hat bobbed allowing Ling Ling a glimpse of his heavenly blue eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat.

And then his long silver hair fanned around his shoulders elegantly.

Ling Ling had yet to see how he looked like but the burst of glimpses was enough to make her heart beat faster.

Junjie placed his arms beneath her legs and her back as he picked her up. Ling Ling expected to be carried like a bride on her wedding day when he tossed her roughly over his shoulder like a sack of rice instead and wrapped his strong arm around her legs.

She grunted while he laughed. "Alright, let's get you out of here."

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