Must be a different Bolin I know

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Ling Ling's mother walked the couple back to their car and waved them a gentle goodbye.

Her gentle smile disappeared as soon as the Lao's were out of the properly.

This made Ling Ling stiffen, waiting for her mother's real nature to appear.

Her mother's smile turned into a scowl, raging her way back to the house. "Ling Ling! Get your ass in here right now!"

Ling Ling knew one thing was for certain, she knew danger when she heard it and she knew to hide whenever her mother is angry.

"Ling Ling!" Her mother screamed her daughter's name. She kicked her sandal from her foot, catching it with her hand, waving it dangerously. 

Ling Ling knew better than to answer and ducked as soon as her mother spotted her.


Her mother threw her sandal that went flying over Ling Ling's head and to the floor, kicking it away from her mother's reach.

"Hah! You missed!"

The older woman reached for the other pair and waved it at her daughter. Ling Ling danced around trying to confuse her aim.

"Stay still!" Her mother hissed. "How do you expect me to hit you when you won't hold still!"

"What mother?" Ling Ling protested. "Surely, I can't be in trouble for turning down a marriage proposal from a dead man!"

"Dead or living, it no matter! That a guaranteed money, you foolish girl!" Her mother screamed and glared at her.

"But mother..." Ling Ling whined. "That means I will die a virgin!"

Her mother's mouth dropped in disbelief, for a moment she entertained the notion of laughing. She put her sandal away. "Is that what you worried about?"

Ling Ling took a long sigh and sat back to the couch. "No, ma. I could very well remember Bolin when we were in school together. He never once showed interest in me, not even as we got older. We both knew what kind of a man he was, he was the kind who never respected women's feelings. Bolin broke women's heart everywhere."

"Irrelevant!" Her mother countered and made Ling Ling reach for her other sandal. "What important is his parents think you best for their son."

Ling Ling got up and crawled for the other sandal, reaching for it underneath the couch, she rose as she handed it back to her mother.

Her mother slid it back on her cracked and dried foot. "Beside, you never have to deal with him. He already dead. Do you realize how many women wish their husbands would die? It's a blessing!"

Ling Ling twisted a disbelieved scowl. Only her mother would think that way.

"What the matter, Ling Ling?" Her mother pried. "You act like you can't stand this man, I could very well remember him coming around when he was young, he used to play with you and your brother."

Ling Ling remembered her long forgotten memories when she was but a young child. Bolin used to come to her home when they were in kindergarten and played until the sun went down. A frown found her forehead as she wondered what happened.

"That was a long time ago, ma. I vaguely even remember it anymore. Still, don't get why the Lao's would offer me marriage after Bolin died."

"Who care, you stupid girl! The Lao's are filthy rich!"

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