IP- 14

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After pulling out of the short but tender kiss they've shared, silence enveloped.

She pursed her lips and looked outside the window, cursing herself.

Kababae mong tao, ikaw gumawa ng first move.

Her subconscious scolded her but her other inner self answered,

Bakit ba? He asked me. I was just being polite and gave him a very honest question.

She smiled.

Infairness, Aga.


Aga cleared his throat before driving again, "L-lei..."

She answered with a simple, "Hmm?" and did not bother looking at him. It's funny to think that they feel awkward after that.

"What was that?"

Ay, parang timang!

Ang slow naman!

Pogi nga, slow naman!

She rolled her eyes before answering, "That was a hug, Aga! Hug! What do you think?"

He scratched the back of his head and showed her a smile, "Does that mean you love me, too?"

"Hindi, nilalandi lang kita. Didn't know it's effective-- wait, love you, 'too'?"

Of course, inside her were the excited and happy flirty hormones.

Aga loves her, too.


Shet! I am so blessed!

He took her hand and sweetly kissed the back of it making her smile.

"Ano?" she asked him.

"Wala, I'm just happy. All this time, akala ko we'll forever be the mag-bestfriend Aga and Lea. 'Yong walang malisya. Akala ko, you wouldn't fall for me, too."

She gave him a smile, "Akala ko rin, Ags. But here we are."

He sighed and glanced at her. His other hand on the steering wheel while the other was clasped with her hand, "I've never been this happy."

She giggled, "Really?"

"I have been finding a chance to ask you or to confess."

"At dito mo pa sa sasakyan ako tinanong ng gano'n? How sweet of you." she sarcastically told him.

Aga just shrugged his shoulder, "Lei, I want us to have a unique relationship. Let's erase all the dates and stuff like that. Let's go to the park instead and have a picnic. Or Amusement Parks and try all the rides they have. We'll create new memories."

She bit her lips but she couldn't stop herself from smiling, "Talaga lang, Muhlach, ah? Baka naman I'm just one of your girls?"

He shook his head and kissed her hand once again, "You are one and only."

She smiled.

And he did, too.

And then there was silence again.

Until he tried to break the ice to ask her a question which surprised her.

"Uh, so--..."


"Can I call you MY girlfriend?"


Hand in hand, they entered the house. Dawn and Richard were there, sweetly watching tv. And by sweetly they mean, Dawn's head was resting on Richard's shoulder while his arms were wrapped around her waist.

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