IP- 41

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2 Corinthians 4:-10
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies



Sleeping angry and waking up angry is possible. She thought she could sleep it off but she woke up to an unimaginable pain and madness. What happened yesterday broke her into fine pieces that she couldn't believe it's real; that it happened.

If not for her tired eyes and body, she would've stayed all night thinking about it. Thinking about everything she did for their relationship, the things she risked for him, and the things she gave up and just so she could give something to him. The love she has for him was great, even her couldn't believe it's possible.

She spent her night trying to figure out where she went wrong. What could she had possibly done? Even spent her night thinking she wasn't enough. That her love for him wasn't enough to make him stay.

Today, she remembered that scene from her favorite sitcom, Friends. To when Ross cheated on Rachel and he came to his defense saying that girl meant nothing to him.

"She meant enough to jeopardize our relationship," she uttered. Those were the exact words Rachel said. It was heavy. It was true. It was painful.

He did deny the cheating but she trusts her guts. He won't be denying anything if he isn't doing anything wrong in the first place.

Closure? They ended months ago.

"Closure?" she asked herself, "Putangina niyo."

The fact that they were seeing each other behind her back; that Aga didn't tell her about it at all; that he denied it; that he only told her the truth the moment she found out about it screams infidelity.

She couldn't spend her entire life thinking she always comes short. She couldn't spend her entire life thinking this was all her fault.

She has to know why and how.

She has to know from that girl herself.


Lea was one of his best employees. She's one of the most disciplined and focused. Meetings are boring, he knows but Lea pays much attention to them. But today, she was outspacing and it bothered him.

"Meeting adjourned," he ordered. His eyes still glued to the girl who was playing with her pen. She lazily stood up and was about to leave the room when he spoke up, "Lei, let's talk?"

"Bakit, sir?"

"Drop the sir. I'm talking to you as a friend," he replied, "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Why wouldn't I be? I'm fine."

"Yeah, that's a total lie. Actually the worst lie I've ever heard."

"You're tired," she faked a smile, "Sa sobrang pagod mo, iba na pakiramdam mo."

"Carmen, I know you. I've known you enough to know if you're fine or not. You can be honest around me, come on. What is it?"

"I am honest."

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