Game On

119 11 5

Anna's POV

Saturday! I love Saturdays! And especially now that I have a job. Saturdays were amazing and all when I was in high school, but all I had to do there was see my friends, do some work and some more boring stuff.

(A/N I do not share ann's opinion in this. School is horrible! Although I do like to see my friends. Or I will next year since this year I'm still homeschooled.....)

But now That I actually am working and have a boss and stuff, Weekends are a million times better! I get to relax and hang out with friends. Not having to worry about meetings and notes and paperwork. Being an adult sucks. At least I have an amazing job though. And an amazing boss. Speaking of which. YAY!!! Only a few more days till he meets Elsa!! I can't wait for those two to meet and fall in love and get married and have kids!!

Calm down, Anna. No one is getting married.

"Shut up brain and let me have my fantasies.

Fine fine. Whatever.

Good. Anyways, their kids will be so cute! Oh and...


Ugggg I pick up my phone.

"Who dares disturb my daydreaming!?" I hear sift giggling.

"So sorry Anna. It's Punzie."

"Oh! Hi! Sorry I was thinking about Jelsa."

"Ok! So guess what!!!"

"You aren't even gonna ask me what Jelsa is? Alright fine. What happened? Oh, wait I think I know." I braced myself.


"Owwwwww!!! And yes I can believe it I heard him talking about it with Mr. Frost the other day." I say as my ears are still ringing. I'm gonna need to apologize to Elsa after this. Now I know the pain I have given to her so many times when we talk on the phone.

"You did!? Why didn't you tell me!?!?

"I didn't wanna ruin the surprise!"

"Ok, I guess that's fair."

"So when and where is it?"

"Tonight at 8:00 he's picking me up. And he didn't say. He just said to dress slightly fancy but nothing over the top."

"Can I help pick a dress you!?!?! And do your makeup and hair!?!?!" She laughs.

"Of course Anna. Merida wouldn't know how to help anyway." We both laugh,

"I'll be over at.... 5?"

"Mhhmmm that works! See you then!"

"Ok! I have to go now but I'll see you tonight."

"Ok bye!"


I hang up the phone and sigh. If only I had a boyfriend. Or at least a date! What about that Kristopher guy? He seems to be a nice guy. Maybe I can ask Mr. Hadock to give me his number. He is his friend. But would that be weird?

Anna's playthrough of what could happen

"Hey, Mr. Hadock! We don't really know each other too well but, could you possibly give me the number of your friend Kristof? He seems like a nice guy and I want a boyfriend..."

"Ummmm security!!"


Anna you idiot. That would never work! Maybe I can just hope that he brings something in for him again and I'll bump into him. Yeah! That'll worl...not... Ugggg why does love have to be so hard!

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