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Elsa's POV

I wake up to the sound of footsteps and talking. Slowly I sit up and rub my eyes before looking around. Jake is still sleeping in his bed and I see Jack pass by. He's on the phone but, I don't know with who. I catch what he says before he hangs up and it startles me.

"Yeah OK. I'll let her know and see what she says. Love you. Bye." He hangs up the phone and walks in.

"Oh, you're awake." He smiles and walks over to me, sitting on the bed.

"Who were you on the phone with?"  He sighs and takes my hand.

"My mom. I know this is really bad timing parents are in town and they want to meet you."  I look at him in shock. Parents? I'm not ready for that! And he's right, the timing is horrible!

"P-parents?" I ask, just to make sure I heard right. He nods. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Well umm." I'm at a loss for words at the moment.

"They have a house here in New York.Not to far from work for us, or school for Jake. I told them what happened and they offered to let us stay with them." Oh boy. This is a lot to take in when you're still half asleep. I clear my throat.

"Can we get something to eat and then talk about it? I need a little time to wake up." He nods.

"Yeah of course. I'll wake up Jake and get him ready while you get changed." I kiss his cheek and stand up. I grab my bag of clothes and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower, brush my teeth and everything else. Once I'm out of the shower go through my clothes. I could possibly be meeting my boyfriends parents today. I have nothing for this! After about 20 minutes I finally pick something out. A nice sweater dress and dark brown boots.

Still unsure I walk out of the bathroom and go to Jack

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Still unsure I walk out of the bathroom and go to Jack.

"Does this seem slutty? Or inappropriate? If I'm meeting your parents I-" Jack cuts me ff with his lips on mine. I protest at first but soon give into it.

"You look amazing. But I'm making you wear a jacket." I laugh and raise an eyebrow. "Because its cold! Not because I don't want any guys staring at you or anything." Jack mumbles and I shake my head while laughing some more. I look at the time and gasp.

"I have to get Jake to school! Like in 10 minutes! Is he ready?!" I say and run around the room trying to find my keys and purse and...a jacket. I have everything I need so I kiss Jack and grab Jake, bolting out the door. we stop and grab a couple muffins for breakfast at the breakfast bar and then head to the car. We get to the school with two minutes left and I run him in to his class.

"Alright, I love you. I'll pick you up when school is over. Don't talk to strangers, don't let anyone pick you up from school, even if its Jamie's mom or one of your friends parents. Got it?" He nods and I smile at him. "Alright. I love you baby have a good day." I hug him and then let him go so he can walk into his classroom.

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