Not as it was Planned

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Elsa"s POV
Jack is in front of me. That means he"s Mr. Frost. He's Jackson Frost, the owner of Frost Industries... Why didn't he tell me? We are just staring at each other and Jack stands up.
"Um guys? What's going on?" Anna says. We both turn to look at her.
"Well umm... Anna... this is..Jack." She raises an eyebrow.
" yeah I know that sis. I work for him." I roll my eyes.
"No you idiot. The jack I was telling you about. The one I met last week? That was staying at my house?" Her eyes widen.
"You were staying at my sisters house!" She yells, suddenly protective.  I sigh.
"Maybe we should sit down before we talk about this." Anna and Jack nod and we all sit down. I sit next to Jack and Anna sits across from us with Jake. Jack clears his throat.
"So..." He says awkwardly.
"You're Jack.. Frost? The owner of Frost Industries?" I ask looking at him. He slowly nods.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He looks around for a moment before sighing.
"Don't be mad ok?"
"Well that's reassuring."
"I... I don't normally tell girls who I am because when I do they only want me because of my money. Wheaten it's just a friendship or an actual relationship. I didn't tell you because I wanted to become friends before you knew about all my money." I was a little upset he didn't trust me...but I would very hypocritical if I was really upset. Because I did the same thing. "Please don't be mad." He says and looks down in shame.
"I'm not mad Jack." He looks up at me with a smile.
"You're not?" I shake my head at his question.
"No, because I did the same thing." He raises an eyebrow in confusion. "I'm Elsa Winters." His eyes widen in shock.
" in the head of the worlds biggest fashion company Elsa Winters? The one I'm having s meeting with at some point?" I nod. "Wow." He says. Anna clears her throat.
"So what exactly are you two?" We both blush at her question.
"Well, still the same I guess. Remember what I told you earlier Anna?"
"Ohhh right..."
"Hello my name is Tiana what can I get you all to drink?" We all look up at a pretty woman with a notebook and pen.
"I'll have a water, he'll get apple juice." I say for me and Jake.
"Water for me too please." Jack says.
"And for you?" Tiana says looking at Anna.
"Lemonade please."
"Alright I'll be right back with those for you."
"Thank you." We all say and look at our menus. As I scan over the menus, I can feel Jacks eyes burning into me.
"What is it Jack?" I ask him.
"Nothing. You look really nice, that's all." He says and looks away. I blush a bit. Once I know what I want I set my menus down and look at Jake.
"You need help with what you want?" I ask him and he nods.
"I can help him!" Anna says.
"Alright, But nothing with pineapple he's allergic." Anna smiles.
"Just like his Mot- aunt! I mean aunt!" She says quickly. I glare at her for a moment before looking away. I feel a cold hand on my leg and look over at Jack who smiles at me. I smile back.
"So. Your sister likes the idea of us. You like the idea of us. the idea of us...." he saying what I 5hink he's saying?
"W-what are you saying?" I  stutter. He smirks and leans towards me, putting his cool lips next to my ear. I can tell Anna is watching us in amusement and excitement.
"Will you go out with me? Be my girlfriend?" He says and kisses my ear before pulling away. I just blink and stare at the wall behind him blankly.
"Elsa! Give him an answer already!!" Anna's voice breaks my trance.
"I -uh... are you sure? Are you ready?" He nods.
"You've made me ready."
"A-Alright then. Yes, I will go out with you and be your girlfriend." He smiles and it brightens up the whole room. Anna squeals and then cover Jakes eyes as Jack takes my shoulder in his hands and pulls his lips to mine.
Jacks POV
I pull her to my lips and kiss her passionately. She smiles against my lips and I can't help but feel like I'm floating. She's amazing, and wonderful...just perfect. I really like her, and I think we work together nicely. After about a minute we pull away and stare into each other's eyes. Anna clears her throat again and we both laugh.
"So when the wedding?" She asks and Elsa and I start to cough.
"Anna!" Elsa and she shrugs wit a smirk plastered on her face. Tiana walks up with our drinks and sets them in front of us.
"Are you all ready to order?" She asks and we all nod. We all order and she takes our menus. We all start to talk about random things until our food comes, and even then we just keep talking. Anna embarrasses the crap out of Elsa by telling Me how much She would talk about me. But I gets her back for for Elsa.
"Haven't you told your Dearest sister about Kristoff?" I raise an eyebrow and Anna's face turns red almost immediately.
"I'll take that as a no then." I says with a smirk.
"H-how do you know about that?" Anna asks nervously.
"You forget that Hiccup, or Mr. Haddock to you I guess, is my best friend. So he tells me what happened with his other friends, especially when they have an interest in my secretaries. I know everything."
"EVERYTHING" I says dramatically.
"Wait... Anna what have you been doing with this Kristoff guy?" Elsa ask, suddenly being protective of her younger sister. I smile at her and take her hand. Giving her a look that says, 'I'm just teasing her' Elsa seems to read me like an open book and almost immediately calms down.
"We've just talked and gone out for ice cream. Last night we went out to dinner and that's all! I swear nothing has happened." Elsa narrows her eye at her sister before smiling.
"I trust you. Besides, you're an adult now, you can make your own choices." Anna lets out a sigh of relief. We all stand up and walk outside. Elsa is holding Jake because he passed out in the restaurant. We walk with Anna to her car and she leaves. I then walk Elsa to her car and wait as she buckles up sleeping Jake. Once she's done she stands up and smiles at me.
"You wanna come back to my place?" She asks and I smirk.
"Elsa! I'm shocked, we JUST started dating you know." She blushes and smacks my chest. I just laugh at her.
"I'm teasing Els, calm down." She chuckles and shakes her head. "If you want me at your house I would gladly go."
"Alright then meet you there." She says, kisses my cheek and then hops into her car. I wave at her and then walk to my car which isn't that far away. I get in my car and drive to her house. Tonight did not go like I thought I would at all. But I'm so glad nothing went as planned.

Sorry for the ah rat chapter

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Sorry for the ah rat chapter. I was going to keep this one going for a bit l beer but my battery is about to die on my iPad and for some reason my laptop isn't working.

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