No Plans

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Elsa's POV

I woke up and feel a little sore in the southern regions of my body. Looking over my shoulder, I see Jack sleeping peacefully and fell his arms around my waist, keeping me close to him. I actually did it. Slowly, I turn around in Jack's arms and rest my head on his chest. He stirs a little and tightens his arms around me, but doesn't wake up.  Last night was amazing and I feel even closer to Jack now.

"I love you." I whisper and look up at his face, my hand moving to play with his hair. A small smile appears on his face.

"Love you too." He says in a low voice. His eyes open and I stare into them, like looking into the depths of an ocean. Jack turns his head an kisses the hand that's playing with his hair.I smile at him and he smiles back. 

"So,how was your birthday?" I ask with a grin on my face. Jack laughs.

"Amazing. Best birthday ever." He says. I kiss his chest, his jaw, and then move his head to fit my lips against his. "Yeah....Amazing." he mumbles into our kiss.

About an hour later, Jack and I finally stop ignoring the world and get out of bed. I take a shower and hum some random tune as I wash my hair. I jump a little when Jack walks into the bathroom and over to the sink.

"Jack?" He turns to me and raises an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Brushing my teeth. Why?" He asks with a stupid grin. I try to cover myself up. "What? It's nothing I haven't seen before." he says, grin still plastered on his face. He's right, he has seen everything, so have I. We did just have sex last night after all. But my awkwardness is making me nervous. I bite the inside of my cheek as Jack walks over to the glass door of the shower. I watch as he takes off his shirt, and then slips off his sweatpants.

My face flushes and I turn away as he opens the door and steps in. My breath hitches when I feel his hands resting on my hips. I look up at him and he looks down at me as water pours over us. It's like a cheesy romantic movie where it starts to rain as the guy kisses the girl for the first time,of confesses his love. Only they aren't naked and in a shower. Unless there are some really weird movies out there. Jack kisses my and I slip my hands around his neck, all nervousness gone.

~ ~ ~

Jake runs out of the house in his pajamas and no shoes. He runs right into my arms and I spin him around in a circle. Jake laughs and hugs me and then I rest him on my hip.

"Elsie I missed you!" He said and kissed me on the cheek.

"I missed you to! Did you have fun?" I ask and he nods his head quickly. I really did miss him.It might have only been for a day-An amazing day but still a day- but I still missed him. And to think I use to not see him for months at a time! Jack walks up to us and takes my free hand. We walk back up the side walk to the house an James is leaning against the front door.

"Hey bro! How'd it go?" Jack asks as we walk into the house. James closes the door behind us and walks to the living room, flopping down on the couch. I set down Jake and he goes running somewhere in the house. Probably to Emma.

"That good huh?" I ask with a laugh.

"Jake is an amazing really fun kid but, shit does he have a lot of energy!" Jack and I both laugh and sit together on the other couch.

"He's seven, what else do expect from him?" James shrugs and sits up on the couch.

"So, how was YOUR day?" James asks with a smirk. Mine and Jack's face turn bright red and I smack his arm.

"You told him?!"

"Of course he did, I'm his brother! He tells me everything."

"Actually, I wasn't going to tell you. You just made me because you weren't going to watch Jake unless I told you." That explains it. James pouts.

"You used to tell me everything." He sticks out his bottom lip and gives us puppy dog eyes.

"And YOU used to tell ME everything. Times change." Jack grins and James rolls his eyes.

"Anyway, we're leaving in a few days and I have to pack. Make yourselves at home." James says and stands up.

"Actually, we're gonna readout. But I promise to stop by to say goodbye before you guys leave." Jack says and we both stand up.

"Awwww, I'm gonna miss you." James says and hugs his brother. I smile at the sight, they are just so cute. James pulls away from the hug and then embraces me. "You are SO much better then Tooth. We all love you don't leave my brother." he whispers in my ear as he hugs me.

"Never. I love him." I say back and then James releases me and backs up.

"Well, love you guys. I'll tell Jake to come on down." he says and then runs up the stairs. A few minutes later, Jake walks down and we all leave.I love Jack's family. And now I know that they love me back! We all get in the car and drive back to Jack's house to hang out and do nothing. Kristoff is stopping by later to drop off Olaf, but other than that, no plans for the day. And I'm OK with that.


Crappy chapter like the rest. But Elsa and Jack did 'it' again! Or did they??? Anyway, I'm bored. Is anyone else just bored? Like, I want to do something, but I'm to lazy to do it. That's my life right now, being to lazy to make yourself not bored. Wonderful. Alright, that's all for now!


P.S I had no idea what to name this chapter so just go with it.

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