Home Day

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Elsa's POV

Today is Jake's soccer game. We decided it was best to sit this one out, for obvious reasons. We were just laying around the house doing nothing today. It was 11:00 and Jack's parents went out to lunch. James went out to the movies with Taylor. I was laying in bed with Jake in my arms. He was sleeping, cried himself to sleep after we ate and I was silently crying myself. I was happy to be able to take in Jake. The reason for doing so are awful of course, but I'm glad to be able to help him. Be the mother I couldn't be when I was younger. Things have been working out with picking Jake up after school. Between me and Jack, we should be able to stay away from hiring a babysitter to watch Jake while we worked. 

"Snowflake?" I looked up and saw Jack through my tears. He walked up to me and I slowly sat up, careful to not wake up the sleeping child. "How ya doing?' He asked and I stand up, he wraps me in a warm embrace.

"As well as can be expected I suppose," I say softly. Jack takes my hand and leads me out of the room, down the stairs, and onto the couch.  "He'll get back up. In just a few days he'll be back to his normal, cheerful self." I say, trying to convince myself more than Jack.  He wipes away my tears and kisses my forehead. 

"Wanna watch Kevin Hart? He always cheers you up. Netflix has a few of his shows." I smile slightly at my amazing boyfriend and nod. He grabs the remote and turns on the t.v. We sit in silence, laughing every once in a while at the inappropriate jokes. Jack was right, this is helping me feel better.

Anna's POV

I've been doing a lot better lately. Kristoff is taking great care of me and we are even official now! I have a boyfriend! That's so weird to me, which is just sad. But hey, I'm not single anymore! I can no longer rock out to "Single ladies' which is both very good and bad. I like that song. I am still determined to find out what is up with Jack and Elsa. I mean, that writing in Jack's house and the brick through his window? The hell is that all about? I haven't had the change to talk to her about it though. I will though. Just because I was hit by a fucking truck does NOT mean I am dropping this. In fact, it just makes me even more determined. I mean, isn't it a bit supposed that right as I'm catching on to whats going on, I get hit by a truck and the other person is nowhere to be found afterward? 

"Hey, babe I got you chocolate." My eyes widen and I wheel myself over to Kristoff. 

"Feed me!!!!" I open up my mouth and hear Kristoff chuckle as he puts a chocolate into my mouth. I hum in satisfaction and close my eyes to enjoy the flavor more. 

"So, what do you want to do today?" he asks me and pushes my wheelchair back onto the living room. he sits next to me and gives me another piece of chocolate.

"This. You feed me chocolate and we watch movies." He laughs again but nods and turns on the t.v. We watch random shit on animals and I just focus on my chocolate. I'm sad that I wasn't able to make it to the funeral yesterday bit I sent a package with a giant teddy bear in it for Jake. Hopefully, it will help. Cuddling giant stuffed animals always helps me when I'm upset. 

...Not that I have any giant stuffed animals... 

I look over and see Kristoff has fallen asleep. He's so cute. I feel bad for having him do so much for me. It's time to repay him for taking care of me. I move over to the kitchen and try to make lunch for him. It doesn't end well. 

"Kristoff!!!!!" I yell in a panic. He comes running into the kitchen and gasps. 

"What the hell happened?!" he yells and takes the frying pan form me. 

"I was trying to make you french toast for lunch and it didn't go well," I say in an embarrassed tone.

"How the hell did you do this?! The milk is on fire in the sink!" he yells and runs over to turn on the water, putting out the fire.

"Yeah, I'm actually not sure how that happened." I point out and bite my lip. Once everything is no longer on fire, Kristoff turns to me. 

"Ok, no trying to cook while in a wheelchair. You're already short, sitting down and trying to cook just makes you shorter. Also, Elsa told me you are a terrible cook, which explains the millions of boxes of mac and cheese and ramen cups." He mumbles the last part and my face flushes. "No cooking for you. Non, got it? Good." He says before I can actually say anything. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Thank you for trying though. I appreciate it." He leans down and kisses me gently, that makes me feel better. "Now, go back and watch a movie. I'll make lunch." he kisses my forehead and pushes me away. I almost run into a wall and glare at him. He just laughs and shrugs his shoulders. This man! 


Finally updated! Its another really short chapter sorry. I am so tired, haven't slept right in....Let's see how long have I had a phone? Hmmm.... years, let's go with that. I haven't slept right in years. Anyway, hope you liked the chapter, I'm going to bed now. 

Btw. Thank you, everyone, for voting, commenting, and just reading the story. It means a lot. Love you all my little Snowgies!

Byeeeeeeeeeee <3


Told you guys I was tired. I just had to put the title of the chpater because Iforgot to when I posted this.... 'Sigh'. Night.

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