I Lov-

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Jack's POV

Today is Elsa's birthday. I have everything ready to go, my mom took Jake out for a bit before school, James and my dad are at work, so I just have to wait for Elsa to wake up. It's 6: 00 right now and so I just have to wait 45 minutes. Breakfast might be nice. I'm not nearly as good of a cook as she is, but it's the thought that counts right? Besides, It's not like I suck at it. 

I walk to the kitchen and get the makings for Chocolate chip pancakes, what she made for me and her when we first met, sort of first met that is. I put the chocolate chips in a heart- shape that outlines the heart-shaped pancake. It may be a bit too much, but I need to show her how much I care about her and how sorry I am. I make a small stack of 5 pancakes because I know how much she can eat and put them on the table along with some strawberries, and orange juice. I look at the time and it's 6:30. So close. I take out my letter for her and prop it up on the vase of white roses, her favorite, that are sitting in the center of the table in front of her food. I hear movement upstairs and start pacing around the whole downstairs anxiously. 

Footsteps coming down the stairs snap me out of my mindless pacing and I wait in the living room by the piano. Elsa appears at the bottom of the stairs in her pajamas and looks around in a panic. 

"Where's Jake!?" Oh, I guess I didn't plan for her to freak out because her son is nowhere to be found...Whoops. 

"My mom took him to school for us. James and dad also already left for work, it's just the two of us." I walk up to her carefully, like how you would approach a wild animal who'es ready to attack. She backs up a bit. "Elsa, please let me-"

"I really don't want to hear it, Jack. " She turns to walk back up the stairs but I grab her wrist and turn her around. "Let go of me, Jackson." 

"Elsa please, at least give me a chance. I'm trying to save us here." I plead. She stares at me with narrowed eyes for a moment before sighing.

"Fine, but make it quick we both have to go to work." I smile and take her hand, dragging her to the kitchen. "Jack what are you doi-!" She stops when I stop in front of the table. "Is this...?" She stares at the table. I nod and push her down into the seat.

"Chocolate chip pancakes, like what you made me when we first met." She just stares at her plate for a moment before picking up her fork and knife. She cuts a piece of one of the pancakes and eats it. 

"I um...Thank you, its great." She says quietly. I smile and sit down across from her. I sip on some orange juice and wait for her to notice the letter. I watch as she eats but then stops. She picks up the piece of paper with her name on it and slowly opens it. Her eyes widen as she reads it and every once and a while she looks up at me. A few minutes pass by and she sets the letter down, resuming eating. Once she's finished I take her plate and put it in the sink, she stands up and avoids eye contact. 

"Thank you Jack, but we really should get rea-" I cut her off.

"One more thing, please." 

"Alright." I take her hand again and she flinches a bit at my touch but doesn't take her hand away. I lead her to the living room and set her down on the couch. 

"I wrote this, I know the letter probably wasn't enough so I decided to put things into music. it doesn't have any lyrics but, I hope I get the point across anyway." I sit down at the piano and start to play. My fingers move swiftly over the keys and I close my eyes. The song seems to last for only a short moment and before I know it, its over. 

(A/N: Song at the top.)

I stand up and walk over to Elsa who is looking down at her hands. I sit down next to her and put my hand on hers. She looks up at me, I smile softly. 

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