Close Call

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Jack's POV

"You two have some explaining to do." Elsa and I stare into the green eyes of Anna and then glance at each other. Elsa tells Jake to go and play in his room, so he runs off.

"First of all, how did you get in to my house?" I ask and she smirks.

"You've had me drop of files before, I know where the spare key is." I nod as I remember showing her where it is. Didn't think she would use it like this. Oh well.

"So what exactly do we have to explain?" Elsa asks and crosses her arms. Anna wheels away in her wheel and we follow her to the living room.

"Firstly, Kristoff is waiting in the car in case you didn't see, that's how I got here. Just in case you were wondering. OK, why is there a bunch of glass in the trash can?" Elsa looks at me and I shrug, trying to be casual.

"We were messing around an-" I paused and thought for a moment before gasping, now remembering it was Anna we were talking to. "-Not in that way!" my face flushed but I cleared my throat and continued. "We were messing around and I knocked over a few glasses that were on that table, and the lamp. That's all." Ana raised an eyebrow.

"OK, I doubt it, but OK. What about the writing on that wall." she said and pointed to the wall behind the couch. Shit, that's gonna be harder to explain. I glance at Elsa, who seems to be thinking the same thing.

"Jack got drunk the other night with his friend Hiccup. Remember when I left that night when you were over and I ended up staying the night? I was repainting this wall because either Jack or Hiccup had written on it." Damn, that was actually a really good excuse.

"The stupid things we do when drunk." I say and smile at Anna. She glares at the both of us for a few minutes. Finally, she huffs in frustration and wheels past us.

"I don't believe you two, but I'm tired and want chocolate so I'll leave you be for now. FOR NOW. Jack go get Kristoff so he can bring me to the car." I nod and walk out the door. That was close.

~ ~ ~

Elsa, Jake and I are eating dinner at the moment. I helped Els make this pasta dish with sauce and it turned our really well. After dinner, Jake and I washed the dishes and then I got him ready for bed. Jake is an awesome kid, I wonder what I'll be to him when Elsa tells him she's his mom... Cuz I'm his uncle at the moment. Eh, I'll probably just stay that way. Once Jake is down, I walk into my room and see Elsa laying on the bed, still awake, but obviously tired. I lay down next to her and she snuggles into my chest. I pull the covers over us and rest my head on the pillow.

"I love you." she says quietly into my chest. A smile spreads across my face.

"Love you too snowflake."

Elsa's POV

I wake up and look around. Jack is still sleeping and it doesn't sound like Jake is up either. What's today? Something is suppose to be going on today. What is it?


"Jack's birthday!" I say excitedly, but still in a whisper so I don't wake him up. "I'll make him breakfast." I get out of bed and go to walk to the door leading out  but his voice stops me.

"Get your ass back in bed." he says in a gruff morning voice. I pout and cross my arms.

"But I wa-" he cuts me off.

"I don't need anything except you next to me all morning." he says and I blush. Giving in, I walk back to the bed and lay down again. He moves down so that his head lays just above my chest and his hands are dangerously low on my hips. That makes me a little nervous, but I don't move.

"Much better." He mumbles and I smile softy.

~ ~ ~

"Take a shower, a long one if you want. I'll watch Jake." Jack says and I smile at him.

"I'm supposed to be doing stuff for you not the other way around. Its your birthday!" I complain but he just grins and shakes his head. Is he planning something?

"Nope, go on. Take your time, relax.Take a bubble bath if you want." he tells me and pushes me away. I groan in protest but he shoves me into the bathroom and closes the door. Fine. I suppose a bubble bath does sound nice.

James POV ;)

"Jaaammesssss!!!" Taylor whines and punches me in the arm.

"What!" I ask and rub my arm.

"Why didn't you tell me me we were watching your adorable nephew?!" I roll my eyes at her and Jack laughs.

"Is that what he is to me?" I ask and Jack shrugs.

"Thanks for doing this by the way." Jack says and I smile.

"Of course! Now go get Elsa and have a great time." I wink at him and he blushes slightly before turning away, saying goodbye to Jake, and leaving.

"I cant wait to hear about this." Taylor punches me again.

"You perv." she says and walks up to Jake. This woman is so violent! Then again, that's one of the reasons I love her.


Hey guys,short chapter sorry. Just started school again so that sucks and I stayed up till five this morning... I only got got 3 hours of sleep... So if you think this chapter sucks that's probably why.

Also, I know have a new book, 'Jelsa One-shots'. I post whenever, but I do have a few stories already written for it so I'll post one a day until I run out of the ones I've already written. Does that make sense? Idk, I'll go take a nap and then come back to edit this chapter if need be.Which It probably does. I feel like I'm repeating myself now so I'm gonna go.

Byeeeeeeee <3


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