Moving Out

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Elsa's POV

Its been a few days since the funeral, Jake is still a little down but he's out of his room now. Anna's package for him got here yesterday and he loves it. It takes up half of his bed so he ends up just laying on top of it when he sleeps. Jack and I have talked about moving back into our houses since nothing else has happened. We've also talked about me and Jake temporarily living at Jack's place, he says it will make him feel better just in case the guy strikes again. 

"So, you guys are moving out tomorrow?" James walks up to me and Jack and I snap out of my daze. I'm currently sitting in between Jack's legs on the couch, my back pressed against his chest and my head resting on his shoulder. 

"Yeah," Jack says and I see James sadden a bit. 

"Well, I'll miss you guys, it was awesome having you here," he says and I smile lightly at him,"Mom says we'll be heading back to Florida in about a week so it will be a while before we see you guys again." He says. Jack groans. 

"I still don't know how you guys survive that heat!" he says and James and I laugh. 

"Well, next time, despite your hate of the heat, you guys have to come down and visit us." This time, I groan. 

"Bleh, I'm with Jack, no heat. but then again, I've never been to Disney World so that would be fun." Both boys gasp and it makes me jump a little. "What?"

"You've never been to Disney?!" they say in unison. I shake my had and James falls to the floor dramatically. I roll my eyes and lay my head back on Jack's shoulder, listing to his heartbeat. 

"Your birthday is in two days," I say to Jack. I feel him nod and a grin appears on my face. "Your gonna be so old!" I immediately regret saying this, as his hands fly to my stomach and he starts to tickle me. I regret it even more, as James had heard me, and now he is walking over to join in on torturing me. I am screaming and telling them to stop as I laugh. Tears stream down my face from how hard I'm laughing, and finally, the boys stop. I'm breathing heavily and I punch James shoulder while using my other hand to lightly slap jack's cheek. Once I've caught my breath, I stand up and take James to the other room. He gives me a slightly confused look as we sit down at the kitchen table. 

"Are we still doing something for Jack's birthday?" I ask him. His eyes widen. 

"Uh, no I think he just wants a regular day, nothing to really, uh...Happen." I raise an eyebrow. 

"But-" he cuts me off and stands up. 

"Really, I don't think we should do anything. He'll be fine. Got to go Els, date with the girlfriend!" And with that, he grabs his jacket and leaves. Well, that was strange. I stand up and walk back into the living room. Jack is still on the couch, only he's laying down now his eyes are closed. 

"You're staring." He mumbles and I jump a bit. My flushes a bit and I gently lay down on top of him. His arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him, if possible. We sit like that in silence for a bit until we hear a loud crash from upstairs. Assuming the worst, we both jump up and bolt up the stairs. We check all the rooms until we get to Emma's. Jack opens the door and we see her laying on the floor, with her tongue sticking out and her eyes closed. Jake is running around the room with a pot on his head, a wooden spoon in his hand, and a piece of cardboard with a shield drawn on it. I just blink a few times at the sight before laughing. Jack joins in and the two kids startle. 

"Hey! Ever hear of knocking you dumb brother?!" Emma says and stands up.

"W-what are you guys... Doing?!" Jack says as he laughs, holding his stomach. 

"I'm a knight! and Emma is a bad guy! I just beat her." Jake says and runs up to us. 

"I see," I say and calm down from laughing, still giggling slightly.  "We'll leave you two then. Just be careful." I say and close the door. Jack and I walk back down the stairs and sit on the couch again. 

"That was interesting," Jack says and I nod with a smile. "What do you wanna do?" he asks. 

"I don't know, to be honest. I should probably call the adoption place though, to let them know about Jake." He nods. "What do you want for your birthday?" I ask him suddenly. He shrugs. 

"Nothing." I frown a bit but let it go. (Pun not intended) We sit in silence once again and I zone out, thinking about random things. 

"Els..." Jack says and I shake my head a bit. 

"Yeah?" He takes my hands and smiles at me. 

"I love you." I smile back at him and blush. 

"Love you too doofus." He rolls his eyes. 

"I'm not a doofus." I chuckle and kiss his cheek. 

"You're my doofus." He grins.

"That I can deal with." 


Jack's POV

The next day

All of our stuff is packed up and in the car. Its 10 in the morning and we are saying our goodbyes to my family. James hugs me and tells me good luck with tomorrow, making me grin. I have a feeling it will go well but, who knows? It could go downhill fast with what I have planned. I hug my parents and then Emma who doesn't let go of me for 10 minutes. Once she finally does, I stand up straight and take Elsa hand. We wave goodbye as we walk out and Jake is running through the snow. I can tell Elsa is happy to see him happy again, but sometimes he still gets sad. Who can blame him? Elsa help Jake get buckled in and then hops into the passenger seat. I start the car and drive off to my house. When we get there, a familiar car is in my driveway....

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