Hand In Hand

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A/N at the bottom. Read it!

Elsa's POV

Kristoff told me to go home, said he would watch Anna and that I could take over his shrift tomorrow. Anna got mad at us for treating her like a child but was happy she was getting some time with her boyfriend. Or whatever they are. I finally agree and wait for Jack to get back to the hospital with Jake. A few minutes later he pulls up and I get in the car, telling him we can go home for now. He just nods and takes us back to his parent's house. Once there, Jake plays with Emma and James Jack and I all talk since Jack and I have made up. 

"So what were you guys actually talking about the other night?" James and I look at each other. 

"Nothing just stuff," I say and Jack raises an eyebrow. 

"Jake's birthday!" James says and I nod.

"And you're planning it now because? His birthday isn't until February if I remember correctly." 

(I don't remember so just go with it.) 

"Well, ya know. Have to start planning early! Hey, I think your mom needs help I'm gonna go help her!" I go to walk away but Jack grabs my arm and pulls me back. 

"She's sitting on the couch watching t.v. She doesn't need help." I look down. 

"Fine, you got us. we were planning to put snakes in your pants while you sleep alright?" James says. I look up at him and he winks at me. Jack looks horrified and he lets go of my arm. 

"Why you do this?! what did I do to you!? I thought you loved me, woman!" He says and grabs his chest, dramatically falling to the floor. "This is what would've happened if you did that. I would've died!" I roll my eyes and step over him.

"Get up,"  

"I can't. I'm dead."

"No, you're not." I grab his arm and pull as hard as I can but can't lift him up.

 "Weak." I glare at him and move my foot back, preparing to kick him where the sun don't shine. suddenly, he's standing up. 

"Why would you do that?!" I grin and kiss his cheek.

"Got you up didn't I?" I walk away to our room and hear him groaning. I just laugh and walk into our room. These past few days have been nice. Besides me and Jack being in a fight that is. I flopped down on the bed and stared at nothing in particular. There was a knock on the door and I looked to see Jack. He grinned and sat down on the bed next to me. 

"So." He says and I hum in response. I sit up and look at him. "You were planning a birthday surprise for me weren't you?" I look down.

"Yeah," I said simply. We both started laughing and Jack pulled me down to lay on the bed. I looked into his eyes and smiles. He kissed my nose and then my cheek, and then I grabbed his face and made his lips meet mine. "I hated fighting with you." He sighs. 

"Me too. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions like I did. After what happened with Tooth I just-" I silenced him with another kiss. 

"I know. I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to say anything sooner." He smiles and kisses me again. I move to sit on top of him, not breaking the kiss. His hands rest on my waist and pull me closer to him. "It's getting harder and harder to JUST make out with you," I mumble against his lips. He smiles into the kiss.

"Yeah... I know." He says and I pull away. 

"We should probably go be social." He pouts. "I know, I wish we could just stay here but we cant. I have to check on Jake and Emma too so get up!" I stand up and fix my shirt and hair.

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