The Fun Way

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Anna's POV

After Elsa and Jack left

"So what do you wanna do?" Kristoff asked me as we sat down on the couch.

"I don't know. We could watch a movie or, play in the music room or something." I said completely out f ideas. I could tell my face was still red at what Elsa had said to Kristoff.

"There's a music room?" He asks and stands up. I nod. "Does she have a guitar?"

"Maybe, I don't know." He smiles and takes my hands. He drags me up the stairs and then stops.

"Ummm." I laugh.

"Second door on the right." He nods and opens the door.

"This is your sister's room..." He looks at me confused. I just shake my head and take the lead. We walk over to the door that leads to the music room. Sure enough, there was a guitar in the corner of the room. Kristoff walks over to and picks it p. He cringes when his fingers move over the strings.

"This hasn't been tuned in a Long time." He says and starts to mess with the turny things at the top. I like music but I have no idea on how instruments work. I sit down on the piano bench and he sits down in a chair across from me. After about five minutes, He strums the stings again and it sounds much better..I think. But from the proud look on his face, I'd say its better now.

"What are you gonna play?" I ask him. He smiles at me and just starts playing. He didn't answer my question. (Song in the media) After a few seconds, I recognize the song. This doesn't mean anything...does it? we haven't known each other for that long and we aren't even dating. But I can't help feeling the same way.  (A/N See what I did there?) I sway with the song and sing in my head. 

"For I can't help falling in love with you" I sing lightly. Kristoff looks up at me and smiles. I smile back but look away. It can't mean anything. He's still practically a stran-!  Suddenly...His lips are on mine! He's kissing me!!!! I kiss back because...I do like him. He pulls away and grins.


"It's fine," I say quietly. He clears his throat and stands up, putting the guitar back where he got it. I stand up too and we walk out of the room. "" He nods and we walk down the stairs. I put on 'Wreck it Ralph' Love this movie! I go to the kitchen and get a bag of popcorn, putting it in the microwave. A few minutes later I sit down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and watch the previews with Kristoff. There's a bit of awkwardness and I wonder if he's gonna talk about it now. But he doesn't bring it up. we watch the movie in silence and I start to doze off. I rest my head on Kristoff's shoulder and eat some more popcorn.

Elsa's POV

Jack and I walk into the house and go straight to the kitchen for water. We had another race so we were both out of breath and dying of thirst. I yelped when I reached the kitchen.

"What is it?" Jack came up next to me. "Oh. I see now." He says and chuckles a bit. 

"Jake sweetheart, what are you doing up?" I ask and walk up to the boy standing on one of the counters.  He smiles at me and grabs a cup from the cabinet before jumping down and nearly giving me a heart attack in the process. 

"Anna and her boyfriend are asleep and I wanted some milk to help me sleep. So I am getting my own." Jack walks over to help Jake get some milk while I walk over to the living room.

"Some help you are sis," I say and look at her. She's passed out with popcorn hanging out of her mouth. The blonde is laying his head on hers with his mouth open, slightly snoring. Might as well use this situation to my advantage. I take my phone out of my bra, (very handy) and snap a few pictures. After that, I walk back to the kitchen to see Jake peacefully drinking his milk and Jack chugging down water. I grab a huge glass and fill it with water for myself. Once Jake is done I take him up and put him back to bed. This time he changes into pajamas and brushes his teeth. I say goodnight and walk out of the room. Time to go wake up the two idiots. 

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